Showing posts with label Natural Disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Disaster. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Free Report: ‘How to Build the Ultimate Disaster Survival Kit’

Free Report: ‘How to Build the Ultimate Disaster Survival Kit’

The guys over at Click Survival have released a free survival report called: "How to Build the Ultimate Disaster Survival Kit". This free download aims to ensure that its readers are prepared for all types of disaster, (including the coronavirus/ covid19 outbreak) and to create a functional survival kit that is ready to be grabbed in any kind of emergency. It also draws attention to the common survival situation mistakes that may end up costing you your life.

The report is freely available and at no cost from It's is available to the survival and 'prepper' community or the wider general public with an interest in building a disaster survival kit.

The free report includes:

  • Learn exactly how to prepare for when the SHTF!
  • 14 items you MUST stock at home
  • 7 things EVERY disaster survival kit needs
  • What everyone MUST do when the lights go out
  • Guidance on how to prepare food for long-term storage
  • ...& LOTS more!

Anybody interested in receiving the free report can get it from: 

Benefits of this free survival report

The report helps to solve the problem of being ready for any disaster situation, as well as detailing all the items you will need for the ultimate disaster survival kit. It ensures that anybody can utilize this knowledge and be prepared for when the disaster comes knocking. This includes the latest coronavirus pandemic, a power outage, earthquake or any number of disasters that are waiting to strike.

About Click Survival

Click Survival was founded in 2020 and is a no-fluff, straight to the point, down to earth website. It brings together the experience from Jim's 20+ years teaching survival skills within the 'Survivalist and Prepper' sector. Its unique position within the sector gives it the authority to produce such a report on building a disaster survival kit because it is a culmination of a wealth of experience from teaching survival skills to people of all walks of life. A survival kit is the backbone of being prepared for any emergency situation and this report helps you on your way to building the ultimate disaster survival kit.

For additional information see the following links:  
Blog Table of Contents 

1) Link to the report:
2) Link to the website:

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Severe Storm Preparations

In the event of a severe storm, seek shelter in an interior room on the first floor.

Ideally you should have the following:
  1. Have a plan
  2. Wear pants and closed toe shoes
  3. Bottled water but no food, or only light snacks
  4. Flashlight, batteries for power outage
  5. Walkie Talkies, chargers
  6. Cell Phone and charger; Save your phone calls for emergencies
  7. Listen to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, or local alerting systems for current emergency information and instructions.
  8. Emergency Whistle
  9. Games can make passing the time more bearable

For more information:

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Top Rated Prepper Handbook Posts of all time 
Complete Sustainable Living Plan

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hurricane Bug Out Bag

If you only have 5 minutes, be sure to grab these 6 things: 
  1. Warm rain coat and layered clothing
  2. Heavy duty resealable water jug (full); preferably metal that can be used for boiling water in.
  3. Pocket Knife 
  4.  Bic Lighter - light candles or fire.
  5. Concentrated, dried packaged foods, peanut butter
  6. Bottle of bleach to purify water - 2 drops of bleach per liter of water.  Let it sit 30 minutes.
If you have time to pack a Bug Out Bag, here are some suggestions.
  1. Small tent
  2. Survival blanket
  3. Stainless steel bottle of water (2 liters)
  4. Granola bars or MRE's
  5. Fire tinder - cotton balls in petroleum jelly
  6. Fire starter - 2 methods
  7. Large fixed blade knife
  8. Duct tape
  9. High top water proof boots & extra socks.
Beyond this, look at the list of things that expert survivors take to live in the wild for long periods. 

For more information visit our related links below:

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Over Population

With our population growing exponentially, the earth is becoming infested with Homo Sapiens yet throughout history, Mother Nature had no problem keeping things in balance.
From movie What Happened to Monday

It is unlikely that humans can control population growth which will leave it up to Mother Nature.  But how will she do it? Don't think she won't; it's only a matter of time.

In the past, the increase in the population of natural predators was an effective control, but currently the only predator for humans are other humans.  So a violent uprising is a possibility.

Starvation from crop failures or food shortages  or another catastrophic event is a possibility, perhaps a Solar Flare or Mass Coronal Ejection sending an EMP from the Sun to the Earth causing a long term Power Blackout.

Another likely option is a Pandemic.  With the abuse of antibiotics, biological warfare research and increasingly resistant germs, this possibility increases each day.  Infertility, is another possibility....  as humans become unable to conceive.  The rise of homosexuality may be a leading indicator of this.

Some suggest that Homo Sapiens will be the cause of their own extinction, either through genetic engineering, climate change, pollution, nuclear war, or artificial intelligence.  With our massive growth of scientific knowledge, these options increase each day.

What do you think will get the human population under control?   

For additional information see the following links:
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Top 10 Prepper Handbook Posts

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Surviving a Partial Collapse

Lets start by Categorizing Catastrophic Events to put them in perspective:

Level 10 - the entire planet earth is destroyed
Level  9 - 90% of the humans on planet earth are killed (Asteroid Strike)
Level  8 - 50% of the humans on planet earth are killed
Level  7 - 90% of the humans on a continent are killed (Nuclear Winter)
Level  6 - 50% of the humans on a continent are killed
Level  5 - 90% of the humans in a region are killed (EMP)
Level  4 - 50% of the humans in a region are killed
Level  3 - 10% of the humans in a region are killed
Level  2 -  5% of the humans in a region are killed
Level  1 - single digit % of the humans in a region are killed

An Asteroid Strike, Nuclear WinterEMP or a Solar Flare would likely cause a total collapse of our country civilization.  Such an event could be classified from Level 3 to Level 9, but a more likely scenario would be a temporary Partial Collapse that would be from an event in the Level 1 to Level 3 range and which might include things like:
  1. Large scale natural like a Super Volcano
  2. Man-made disaster or Terrorist Attack such as a small Iranian nuke in several US cities
  3. A global economic recession and Hyper Inflation
  4. Civil, political and religious unrest with Riots and Looting
  5. A nation wide Pandemic <- Click on Links for more info
More common events like Winter Storms, Hurricanes, Floods and Power Outages can cause regional breakdowns, but help will soon be on the way.  These are Level 1 events.  Where the really serious problem starts is when the domestic "Help" is also incapacitated and won't be able to come.  This quickly escalates an event classification by one or more Levels.

Realistically, most Preppers can only afford to prepare for things in the Level 1 to Level 4 scale.  The preparations or these events are similar except for how long you need to prepare for, how much water and food you need and how much seed & land for longer term events. 

This is where our Step by Step Prepper Plan comes in handy. The more you follow the plan and repeat the cycle, the better prepared you are for longer and more serious events.  Once you get to the point where you have a 1 - 2 year supply of food, seed, tools for a Prepper Garden, Livestock and extra supplies to Barter then you are ready to start working on an underground shelter with Solar Power. There are a number of sources on this, and some group retreats have them included.  The more catastrophic Level 5 and higher events will likely require a substantial investment to survive underground.  Nuclear preparations are well documented and information is readily available and not expensive. has lots of good nuclear info, products and links to even more.

Below is a picture showing the before (bottom) and after (top) effects of an 18 kilo tonne (kt) nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima Japan. The nuclear bomb sizes last published were 200,000 kt, or 11,000 times more powerful.  Likely nuclear targets for the US include Washington DC, Houston, New Orleans, New York, Chicago and Los Angles plus other large population centers.

The devastation is major but primarily on the surface.  Radioactive fall out is likely to kill just as many as the blast. 

After having your preps in order, getting to your retreat early is a key.  Recognizing the RED FLAG warnings that it is time to bug out is important.  Short term Level 1 events can be dealt with in the city, with a good Urban PlanSustainable City Survival is possible if well prepared, but chances are lower than in the country.  Knowing what to expect in urban areas will help.  Country dwellers should expect to be swarmed with city gangs desperately seeking food and water. 

Once you are well stocked, you need a security plan to protect your supplies and loved ones.  Here are some links to read about security:

Night Vision vs Thermal Vision
Investing for Preppers (Financial Security)
The Best Gun
Best Handgun Selection Criteria

Group Security Drills
Urban Survival Perspective
Urban Survival Plan
The right amount of Ammo

Passive Layered Security
Actionable Intelligence
PVC Survival Tube

Using your garden for cover
Security Patrol Pack (or Bug Out pack)
Country Home Security Plan
Home Invasion Response Plan

Guns in plain sight
Situational Awareness
Intruder Detection
Riot Preparations

Double Barreled Defense
Modern Home Security
Sustainable City Survival
BB Gun

Top 5 Combat Rifles
Best Prepper Dog

For additional information see the following links:
Blog Table of Contents

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Sunday, December 10, 2017

How to Save on Emergency Supplies

About two-thirds of U.S. residents live in areas where the natural disaster risk level is rated moderate to very high.

Most of Us Are Not Prepared for an Emergency – WHY?

Why don’t we stay ready, just in case the power goes out, the water doesn’t flow from the tap, or the grocery store has to close for a few days?  It’s a perplexing question.

We know disasters happen. We know we’re susceptible. Yet most of us are sorely unprepared.

And if we examine the usual answers to why that is, they all fail in the light of reason:

  1.          I don’t know how to prepare
  2.          We just don’t have time to figure it out
  3.          It hasn’t happened yet, so why worry about it?
  4.          I don’t have the money to get everything I need
  5.          Public services can handle any problem

According to data from the United States Census Bureau’s American Housing Survey only about one-third of American households have developed a communication plan and agreed on an emergency meeting location.

In this emergency preparedness guide, we’ll talk about the preparations you should make and suggest ways to check each item off with a minimum of expense and hassle.

To read the Preparedness guide, click HERE.

For additional information see the following links:
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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Hurricane 101 Review

In 2008, a Category 3 hurricane made landfall on America’s Gulf Coast, displacing hundreds of thousands of people from Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. After all was said and done, this hurricane categorized as the third deadliest hurricane in United States history.

Though the majority of people evacuated before Hurricane Katrina hit, close to 120,000 residents of New Orleans, Louisiana did not leave.

By the time the storm made landfall, the city of New Orleans was already water-logged from hours of rain. Due to the city’s geographical location—laying mostly undersea level and being surrounded by water—flooding was inevitable. Katrina’s power was too great for the city’s levees and within a very short time, St. Bernard Parish and The Ninth Ward were under water.

In the end, Hurricane Katrina killed 2,000 people, affected 90,000 square miles and cost $100 billion in damages. One of Cheaper Than Dirt’s! own spent time deployed to New Orleans to aid in the aftermath. He says, “Finding bodies became commonplace, and we felt relieved when we entered homes and only smelled mold.”

A hurricane is when a large, circulating tropical storm starting in a warm ocean reaches a surface wind speed of 74 miles per hour. The Atlantic hurricane season starts June 1 and goes through November 30. While the Eastern Pacific hurricane season runs from May 15 to November 30. Hurricanes are generally 2,000 times larger than tornadoes and last an average of 10 days. The states most at risk of hurricanes are the coastal areas of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and all of Hawaii and Florida.

The safest place to be during a hurricane is away from where it hits. Fortunately, weather experts give us a fair warning of storms. Your best survival plan is to evacuate the area. However, if evacuation is impossible or for preparing to return after evacuation, you will need plenty of food, water and other supplies for your family for at least 10 days. It is most likely city utilities—water, electricity and natural gas—will be unavailable.

Below is a hurricane preparedness checklist of things you will need to help you and your family survive hurricane season.
  1. Potable water
  2. Non-perishable food
  3. Alternative means to heat food
  4. Clothing, including rain gear and a good pair of boots
  5. First Aid Kit
  6. Toys, diapers, etc. for infants and children
  7. Pet care kit (food, carrier/leash, immunization records, etc.)
  8. Travel toiletry kit
  9. Flashlights
  10. Batteries
  11. Battery operated radio with AM/FM and NOAA reception
  12. Critical documents in waterproof pouch (banking info, insurance, passports, birth certificates, etc.)
  13. Full fuel tanks in all vehicles along with additional spare fuel cans
  14. Blankets and pillows
  15. Cash, including small bills
  16. Portable tool set
  17. Fully charged cell phone, preferably with spare battery
  18. Essential medications
To learn more about hurricane preparedness, read the following articles:

Hurricane Preparedness
Be Ready! National Hurricane Preparedness Week is May 25-31
A Part Time Grunt’s Hurricane Katrina Experience
Emergency Water Supply for Hurricane Season: the AquaPodKit
Prepper v. Survivalist? How About Using the Term Smart Instead

To read the Original Post on this click HERE
For additional information see the following links: 
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Complete Sustainable Living Plan 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Gas Mask

Gas Masks are one of those things that you don't talk about in front of just anyone for fear they will think you are crazy.  Yet the Rule of 3 states that you can die in 3 minutes without air making breathable air one of our top priorities.

These are great for smoke, tear gas and air borne pathogens or toxins that are not absorbed through the skin. Such masks range from $30 to $400 plus.

My favorite mask is the US Surplus Mask with a side mount NATO filter; side mount so you can shoot a rifle. These typically sell for less than $100. New NATO masks cost under $200.

But in extreme cases, full body protection is required.  Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) suits have been around for years.  Today they have evolved to Chemical Biological, Radiation and Nuclear or CBRN suits.  But these are expensive starting at $200 and going up to well over $1,000. The ones that are not rubber (or similarly chemical resistant) coated material provide limited protection.

For additional information see the following links: 
Blog Table of Contents

Modern Home Security

Using your garden for cover 
Security Patrol Pack (or Bug Out pack) 
Country Home Security Plan 
Home Invasion Response Plan

Guns in plain sight
Situational Awareness 
Intruder Detection 
Riot Preparations 
Double Barreled Defense