Friday, December 30, 2022

Prepper Vehicle Supplies

 Most survival scenarios are solo or small groups, short term, with only what you carry with you, also know as your EDC or Every Day Carry items which may at times include what you have in pocket or in your car, suggesting you should have your car well supplied.

Reading this, you may be interested in what is probably the Best Prepper Transportation.  Below are some links you may find worth reviewing. 

  1. Best Prepper Transportation

  2. Prepper Livestock - Horse

  3. Best Prepper Retreat

  4. Red flag warnings its time to Bug Out

For our discussion here, we will presume that you have a car or truck like most people and we are looking at more common survival scenarios.

What to carry in your car

  1. Ethanol Free Fuel (EFF) -Gasoline- enough to get home. Never run below 1/4.
  2. Siphon Hose for borrowing gas when stranded.
  3. Jumper cables, and/or charged Jump Starter, large or small, both can serve as a phone charger with the appropriate charging cable(s).
  4. Case of bottled water (rotated every year)
  5. Water filter 
  6. Stainless steel water bottle
  7. 2 Qt Pot to cook and boil water in
  8. Fire Building materials
  9. Rifle with military ammo can full of the appropriate caliber(s).
  10. Back Pack 
  11. Machete & Hunting Knife
  12. Water proof poncho or tarp for shelter
  13. First Aid Kit
  14. Long shelf life snack foods like beef jerky, granola, raisins or canned goods
  15. Cell Phone, solar charger & water proof case; power off when not needed
  16. MURS Radio and solar charger for communications
  17. Motion Detecting, Solar Powered Lights &/or Alarms for Intruder Detection
  18. Fishing - net, line & lots of hooks; extra line for security trip wires
  19. A Thermal Scope will give you superior night vision for night travel
  20. A regional Map for Survival or Atlas, plastic coated or in a freezer bag for navigation, along with a compass.
  21. Coats, blankets to stay dry and warm or even a Power Outage Heater
  22. Also carry basic EDC Survival items on your person like a pocket knife.

Know when it is time to get home with our Bug Out Red Flag Warning Signs.

What you carry in your car can make a huge difference, so plan ahead.  Sound crazy?  Think of it as potentially life saving insurance.

For more information visit our related links below: 
Alone Season 1 Pack List
Alone Season 2 Pack List
Alone Season 3 Pack List
Alone Season 4 Pack List

Survival Pack (Security Patrol or Bug Out pack)  
Greenbriar (catbriar) 
Top 10 List of Prepper info
Top Rated Prepper Handbook Posts of all time
Top Rated Prepper Website
Top 15 Prepper Movies or Shows
Or click on a label below for similar topics.


Sunday, December 11, 2022

Ammo Prices - December 2022

Ammo prices are stabilizing as supply catches up with demand in most calibers, but not all. A common question is how much Ammo do I need.  Here is a scientific answer to that question:  Ammo Inventory Target


Prices for the most part are lower than since 2020, but not back to 2019 levels, which are unlikely to ever occur due to the inflation from massive government spending and printing money.  Inflation is a hidden tax where the government gets (prints) more money at the consumers expense (inflation).  That said ammo prices may be near a low point based on today's money supply.