Saturday, May 19, 2018

Marine Corps Rifle reports that Heckler & Koch Defense, the domestic subsidiary of German gun maker HK last week secured a large contract for M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle systems for the U.S. Marine Corps.
The M27, a select-fire variant of the HK416 5.56mm gas piston rifle, has been used in small quantities by the Marines for the past decade to replace some M249 Squad Automatic Weapons. The new contract, announced by Marine Corps Systems Command on Friday, allows for $29.4 million for a maximum 15,000 M27 systems and spare parts to be delivered by 2023.
The contract specifies that the lion’s share of the work on the platforms will be completed in Oberndorf, Germany with about 30 percent split between U.S.-based facilities in Columbus, Georgia and Ashburn, Virginia. HK earlier this year announced the Georgia expansion to include a new 50,000 square-foot manufacturing plant.
Citing commonality and interchangeability with existing platforms, the M27’s weight advantage over the M249, and the belief that pursuing a contract with any other maker besides Heckler & Koch would mean four years before the Corps received the additional weapons, the Marines decided to use HK as the sole provider of the contract in 2017 rather than opening it up to competition. The original purchase was open to a maximum of 50,814 M27s, reflecting Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller’s assertions that he would like to arm every “0311” series rifleman with one of the rifles, replacing the M4.
The Marines are also on course to field the M38, an HK416 variant equipped with a Leupold TS-30A2 Mark 4 MR/T 2.5-8x36mm optic, as the new squad-designated marksman rifle. The standard optic on the M27 is the Trijicon ACOG.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Top 10 Prepper Businesses

When the SHTF, some of the worst businesses to own will be:
  1. Pet Grooming 
  2. Nail/hair Salons
  3. Fitness Gyms
  4. Counseling
  5. Florist
  6. Dance Studio's
  7. Lawn Care
  8. Tattoo parlor
  9. Travel Agency
  10. McDonalds (fast food) although good for Salvaging food.
  11. Home Decor
Only businesses with skills that provide goods or services that are absolutely essential will survive.
Key businesses might include:
  1. Agriculture - farming, ranching, aquaponics, commercial fishing and plowing services will be of the utmost importance, as food will be a critical necessity
  2. Repair Shop - transportation, Appliances, motors, generators
  3. Black Smith - make plows, hoes, tools
  4. Wood working - saw mill, carpenter, build log cabins.
  5. Electrical Engineer - solar power, generators, hydro electric
  6. Medical Care - Doctor, Dentist, Nurse, EMT, First Aide, especially natural remedies.
  7. Wilderness Survival Expert / hunter, trapper, fisher
  8. Gun Smith - the ability to repair fire arms, but also to make other weapons like bows, arrows, knives & spears.
  9. Chemist - make gun powder, reload bullets, medicines
  10. Teachers - academics like history, math, reading/writing and science, but also vocational skills like those above.
Military - Security, Scout Patrols, etc. will be important skills and possibly a business to help you get set up.
What other businesses would you suggest?

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Thursday, May 3, 2018

Best Foods To Store

What Are The Best Foods To Store For SHTF Scenarios?

Once disaster has struck, one of the problems that many people will notice immediately will be that there is a massive shortage of food.
In fact, it is hardly a fantasy scenario to imagine that once things get rough, lone wolves, mobs, and gangs will go from street to street, supermarket to supermarket, and neighborhood to neighborhood searching for precious resources like food and water.
Your local stores will be robbed and anything worth having will be removed. Trucks will stop running and there will be no more restocking.
For this reason, we highly recommend that you store food in your home just in case things go south. If you never have to use this food, that’s great. If you do have to use it, then it’s a good thing that you have it.

Stored up food is kind of like a parachute. It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. And if you don’t have it, you will probably never need it again.

So the question arises of what kind of food is best to store for those “uh oh” times in life. Let’s establish some criteria for this survival food.
#1: Long Lasting: When building up your food stores, you want to make sure that anything you have can stay edible for a long time. Spam gets a lot of flak, but anything that can last 500 years is definitely going in my survival food storage!
As a rule of thumb, cans, dried noodles, cereal or granola, peanut butter, etc. are all great because they take a long, long time to spoil.
#2: Easily Stored: Having incredible food won’t matter if you can only store a few meals worth of it. When picking out food for your storage, make sure that it can be stored pretty easily on a shelf, on the floor, or however you’ve decided to do it.

This rule does mean that your stored food should not need to be refrigerated or frozen. It should be able to be stored at room temperature, since electricity may or may not be present if disaster strikes.
Cans work great for this, as they can be stacked.

#3: Good Tasting: Your stored up food won’t do you much good if you and your family refuse to eat it because it tastes like junk. Now I’m not saying you need a five course gourmet meal, but do stock some things that taste pretty good.

Good tasting food keeps your family moral up and, obviously, are a lot more enjoyable than protein bars for 30 days in a row.

#4: Easily Prepared: If your food needs a microwave or an oven, don’t even bother storing it for disaster. If you can make a fire, then you may be able to cook some food, but assume that fire will be an impossibility. Make sure your food can be opened and eaten.

#5: High Calorie: Yep, I said it. Your stored up food needs to be packing in the calories to have maximum effectiveness. Even though high calorie foods are hailed as evil in our current culture, calories are the lifeblood of energy and without energy, you don’t survive.
Simple as that.

Now don’t go out and buy a whole bunch of Krispy Kremes and consider yourself ready for the apocalypse.

Sweets make for poor survival food because calories are not created equal. Here’s a little breakdown for you.

Where Do Calories Come From?

All calories come from one of three things: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
We will discuss each of these separately.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates (carbs) are four calories per gram. Most carbs reside in fruits, vegetables, grains, and sugars. Even though carbs are usually associated with the devil in modern culture, every living human requires carbs to survive.

Even though they are necessary for survival, they are not ideal for survival food. Carbs pack fewer calories per gram than fats (discussed below) and are not as useful for rebuilding muscle as protein. Carbs are also burned more quickly than fats or proteins, meaning that you will be left feeling hungry not long after eating.

Proteins: Proteins contain four calories per gram and are the food of choice for competition weightlifters and world class performers. Proteins are useful for rebuilding muscles bigger and stronger.

Proteins burn slowly in the stomach and after eating them, you’ll feel full for a long time. Most proteins are meats, nuts, or legumes. These make for excellent stored food.

Fats: Fats contain nine calories per gram and are our go to foods for our food storage. Since fats contain a lot of calories per gram, you can eat less and survive longer than others (and it’s easier on your budget!)

Fats are usually found in meats, oils, dairy products, eggs, and nuts. If you’ll notice, foods that have fat and foods that have proteins are very similar. These are the kinds of foods we want to store.

By storing foods that are high in protein and fat, we ensure that our bodies have what it takes to rebuild themselves after labor, we don’t feel hungry after eating, and can consume enough calories to give us a boost of energy during the day.

The best kinds of foods to store are not high calorie sugary treats, but foods that combine proteins and fats into one easy package.

Foods like nuts, dried dairy products, canned meats, dried beans and lentils, and canned chili make for excellent survival foods.

While preparing your survival foods, don’t feel obligated to only get these types of foods though! I have plenty of space to store my food and over time I’ve accumulated some cereals, granola, soups, and dried noodles that I could consider a treat in a survival situation.

Finally, the best types of stored food for you are the ones that you can comfortably fit into your budget. You shouldn’t feel obligated to spend your entire paycheck on food storage. Instead, buy food in small bits and pieces if you need to.

Over time, you’ll collect plenty of life-giving food.

To close us out, here are a list of foods that I myself store:
  1. Canned chiliVarious types of 
  2. canned meats​Dried beans (I keep these in empty liters of Coke)
  3. Dried lentils (same)
  4. Dried peas (mostly black-eyed, ditto for the empty liters)
  5. Canned vegetables
  6. Canned meats
  7. Different types of noodles such as spaghetti, ramen, etc.
  8. Rice
  9. Powdered foods
  10. Long lasting proteins such as certain protein bars, protein mix, etc.

Author Tag:
Founder and editor of I'm a proud husband and father of two boys. My journey to preparedness began in the aftermath of the housing crash when I saw just how easily the scales could be tipped against us. Since then, I've wanted to share high quality information at no cost. Enjoy.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Smoked Brisket Recipe

Smoking and preserving meat is an essential skill for long term survival.  It is free to learn and delicious to practice.  Here is a recipe worth trying:

  • 1 12-14 pound whole packer brisket 
  • 2 Tablespoons coarse Kosher salt 
  • 2 Tablespoons coarse ground black pepper 
  • 2 Tablespoons garlic powder 
  1. Store your brisket in the refrigerator until you are ready to start trimming. Cold briskets are much easier to work with. Flip your brisket over so the point end is underneath. Remove any silver skin or excess fat from the flat muscle. Trim down the large crescent moon shaped fat section until it is a smooth transition between the point and the flat. Trim and excessive or loose meat and fat from the point. Square the edges and ends of the flat. Flip the brisket over and trim the top fat cap to about 1/4 of an inch thickness across the surface of the brisket.
  2. In a mixing bowl or empty spice container, mix the salt, pepper, and garlic. Share over the brisket to evenly distribute the spices on all sides.
  3. Preheat your smoker to 225 degrees F using indirect heat and hardwood smoke. Place the brisket on the smoker with the point end facing your main heat source. This is a thicker part of the brisket and it can handle the additional heat. Close the lid and smoke until and internal thermometer reads 165 degrees F (usually takes around 8 hours).
  4. On a large work surface, roll out a big piece of butcher paper (or foil) and center your brisket in the middle. Wrap the brisket by folding edge over edge, creating a leak proof seal all the way around. Return the wrapped brisket to the smoker, seam side down so the weight from the brisket crimps the edges of the paper wrap down tight.
  5. Close the lid on the smoker and, maintaining 225 degrees F, continue cooking until the internal temperature of the brisket reaches 202 degrees F in the thickest part of the meat (takes anywhere from 5-8 hours).
  6. Remove the brisket to a large cutting board and allow to rest for 1 hour before slicing. Slice both the point and the flat against the grain with a sharp knife and serve immediately.
For more recipes, visit OR for the original source of this recipe visit:

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Monday, April 9, 2018

AR Optics

The price of a Top AR can be low compared to what you can spend on a scope or sight.  For this reason, it is important that you make informed choices.  There are a large number of low cost options, too many to properly test, so our focus here will be on products with established reputations for Quality.


Like the many different types of Firearms, there are may different optics for different needs. A long range scope is not good for Close Quarters Combat (CQC). Products suitable for Night Vision may not work in daylight. While there is no one best product, some combinations work well together.

  1. Trijicon ACOG Scope - This is a popular civilian version of a scope that the US Military uses. It has a optic tube that captures light and illuminates the reticle, with out the need for batteries.  It also has a holographic  Reflex sight for CQC.  This is a good combination optic for day and low light use.
  2. Aimpoint Red Dot Sight - A CQC sight with an amazing battery life (years) and is Night Vision compatible, providing you have a night vision monocle.  This low power system is a good Prepper choice along with some Rechargable batteries for a SHTF scenario.
  3. Laser - A laser sight is a good addition to any firearm for the fastest target acquisition, even when shooting from the hip. Unfortunately, most of them are cheap and will not stay on target. The DBAL-A3, another quality US Military product, has IR and Visible laser beams.
  4. Holographic - The EO Tech is another US Military choice for CQC and the model 552 is Night Vision compatible.  There is a magnifier available that extends the range beyond 100 yards.
  5. Thermal Scope - This is the ultimate day & night scope performance wise and cost wise.  It also takes a lot of batteries.  Rechargable batteries and Solar Power to charge them would be necessary in a SHTF or EMP situation.
  6. Night Vision -  Any NV is better than nothing at all, but a Generation III is the best.
  7. Iron Battle Sights - Last but not least, these are simple, affordable, reliable and never have the batteries go dead.  For this reason, every AR should have a set of these available, at least as a back up.  If you want to use them as an installed backup, then consider the 45 degree offset AR sight design.  The flip up sights are the most popular but may be slightly less accurate. This would be my first purchase.
A31F-RMR: Trijicon ACOG 4x32 Scope

Aimpoint Micro T-1 2 MOA

DBAL-A3 Laser sight

EO Tech 552

Over time, you can spend more buying different budget optics, so I recommend getting good ones from the beginning.  If I was only going to have one Optic after the Battle sight, my second purchase would be the IRMK3-60, followed by a laser.  The down side for an illuminated scope with a screen is that it illuminates and highlights your face.

If I couldn't afford the Thermal Scope, I'd probably go with the ACOG or Aimpoint and a hand held Thermal Monocular.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Preppers Weapons

Note the title says Weapons, not Weapon (singular).  There is no one best weapon, unless you narrow down the intended use to a small range of scenarios.  Given the Rule of 3 prioritization system, a gun is your highest priority preparation.

In summary, a Prepper needs at least the following weapons as prioritized below.  Granted you can start with a Beginner Starter Rifle, but plant to grow from there.
  1. A good Concealed Carry / Back-up Pistol
  2. A good multi-purpose defensive rifle like an AR-15, AR-10 or an AK-47. 
  3. A good Sidearm Pistol
  4. A home defense Shotgun 
  5. A .22 rifle 
  6. A BB Gun
  7. A Bow & Arrows 

 Now lets discuss these in further detail.
  1.  A personal concealed carry pistol is the top priority for three reasons.  First, you may need this each and every day, even if the SHTF scenario doesn't happen within your life time.  Second, because this weapon can serve as a back-up to your Sidearm Pistol.  Third, getting your concealed carry license is important.
  2. The AR-15 (5.56/.223) is the most popular rifle in the USA for a good reason, although the AR-10 and AK-47 have more knock down power.  The Truth about the AR-15, is that it is more likely to wound than kill when using NATO ammunition in compliance with the Geneva Convention.  The US Military chose this weapon for this purpose (plus a lot of Ammo could be carried) as a wounded enemy requires far more resources to care for than a dead one.  So for your AR, you want a Ballistic Tip Ammo like those from Winchester, Federal or Hornady, especially if you are hunting. Ideally most people in your Prepper Group will have AR-15s and a few will have an AR-10 (or bolt action .308 if shooting more than 500 yards) and AK-47.  Ammo for the AK-47 cost less.  Here are some of the Top AR-15s.
  3.  Your Sidearm Pistol is an important choice and requires a good holster.  The US and many State and Local Governments have moved to the .40 caliber, which has a lot of power and holds more rounds than the still popular US .45 and the 9mm is the most popular pistol globally, because it is what NATO and the US Military use. The choice of your Best Handgun involves a lot of things as noted in the blue highlighted link:  Best Hand Gun Selection Criteria
  4. A Double Barrel shotgun is one of the most fearsome weapons to face, but the Modern Shotgun versions that carry up to 24 rounds of ammunition are far superior
  5.  A 22 long / short rifle is used for quietly hunting small game and for training beginner shooters how to shoot and proper Gun Safety.  Note the short rounds are quieter, but may only shoot in a bolt action rifle. There are also sub sonic rounds that are quite, but do not have enough recoil to cycle a semi-automatic. 
  6. A BB Gun you say?  Yes, this is the best way to start out rookie shooters.
  7. A Bow & Arrows for quite hunting and for when the Ammo Runs Out.
  8. Last but not least, you need a good Prepper Knife.
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Ballistic Tip AR Ammo

The Truth about the AR-15, is that it is more likely to wound than kill when using NATO ammunition in compliance with the Geneva Convention.  The US Military chose this weapon for this purpose (plus a lot of Ammo could be carried) as a wounded enemy requires far more resources to care for than a dead one.

So for your Top AR, you probably want a ballistic tip Ammo like those from Winchester, Federal or Hornady, especially if you are hunting.

These Federal Nosler Ballistic Tip rounds from are my favorite round based on performance and price.

My second choice is the Winchester Ballistic Silvertip ($1.50 each) from which has dropped many a wild hog with one shot. has them for about $1.10 each at the time of this post compared to about $0.23 each for economy target rounds from

These Ballistic Tips are effective and the chrome or nickle plated cases are less likely to oxidize and will remain reliable much longer. For hand gun rounds, the Hornady Critical Defense and Critical Duty are also good choices. 

The key is to have The Right Amount of Ammo.

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Top 10 ARs

Legislators are proposing all sorts of new legislation that ranges from changing the legal age to buy certain firearms to outright bans on entire types of firearms, primarily Modern Sporting Rifles such as the AR-15. JR NOTE: IF you don't own a good one or two, it should become a priority on your buy list. Although no one can be certain what the future may hold, these situations always cause a spike in interest among first time buyers and seasoned enthusiasts alike. It would be an impossible task to whittle any Top AR list to 10, so instead, we decided to pull a handful of favorites that cover law enforcement, home defense, sporting, and hunting, just to get you started.

JR Note:  I like the models like this with the full length accessory rail, and side rails.

To read the full original article, click HERE.

Daniel Defense DDM4v11SLW

The Daniel Defense DDM4v11SLW is a top quality AR-15 that’s ready to take on any task! Whether you need a patrol rifle, varmint gun, or competition rifle, the DD V11SLW is up to the challenge. Constructed around a cold hammer forged, chrome moly vanadium, 14.5-inch lightweight profile barrel with a 1:7 twist, this rifle is built for compact CQB. The barrel is chrome lined and magnetic particle inspected, featuring a pinned and welded DD extended flash suppressor for a 16-inch overall barrel length. This DDM4 Slim Light Weight features a KeyMod compatible Daniel Defense Slim Rail 12″ Handguard. The Slim Rail 12.0 handguard gives you fantastic weight savings, superb cooling, excellent ergonomics, and modularity while maintaining the strength and durability that you demand from Daniel Defense. Modular and adaptable, the DDM4v11 Slim Light Weight, may be the perfect all-around rifle to suite all of your needs in one platform.

Specifications and Features

Daniel Defense DDM4v11SLW
AR15 Semi Automatic Rifle
5.56 NATO accepts .223 Remington
30 Rounds
14.5″ Cold Hammer Forged CMV Lightweight Profile Barrel
Free Float Chrome Lined and MP Tested with 1:7 Twist
16″ Barrel Length with Pinned and Welded Extended Flash Suppressor
Mid-Length Direct Impingement Gas System
Pinned Low Profile Gas Block
Mil-Spec CNC Machined 7075-T6 Aluminum Upper Receiver with M4 Feed Ramps
Chrome Lined M16 BCG, MP Tested with Properly Staked Gas Key
Mil-Spec CNC Machined 7075-T6 Aluminum Lower Receiver with Flared Mag Well
CNC Machined 6061-T6 Aluminum DD Slim Rail 12.0 Key Mod Compatible Handguard
DD 6 Position Collapsible Buttstock with Soft Touch Overmolding
DD Pistol Grip with Soft Touch  Overmolding
Overall Length 31.5″ to 34.75″
Weight 6.09 lbs
Type III Hardcoat Anodized Black

To read the full original article with pictures, click HERE.

Bravo Company RECCE-16 AR-15

BCM takes quality control to a new level due to its strict tolerances and extreme quality control measures. Combined, this adds up to ensure the products Bravo Company makes can be trusted in the field under any circumstance. The RECCE-16 KMR-A AR-15 in .223/5.56 features the best materials, components, and skills Bravo Company has to offer. Built on Forged 7075 T6 Aluminum receivers the RECCE sports an 11595E chrome-lined steel USGI profile barrel with a 1:7 twist. With the M4 feed ramp barrel extension and M4 feed ramps, you can expect MIL-SPEC equipment and assembly throughout this fantastic rifle! And of course it wouldn’t be complete without the trademark BCM GUNFIGHTER parts that will keep your friends salivating with envy. Ready for competition or hunting in the field, you need to get the Bravo Company RECCE-16 KMR-A before it’s gone!

Specifications and Features

Bravo Company RECCE-16
.300 AAC Blackout
Direct gas impingement semi automatic
16″ manganese phosphate finished chrome lined enhanced taper profile barrel with fluting
1:7″ twist
30 rounds capacity
Free floating KMR-4 KeyMod handguard
BCM Mod 4 charging handle
BCM Mod 3 pistol grip
BCM Mod 0 compensator
QD end plate
PNT trigger
Overall length 35.5″


Noveske Rifleworks Gen III Recon

From the master craftsmen at Noveske comes the next evolution in Noveske firearms, the Gen III. As a testament to unmatched quality and performance, the Gen III features a 16″ Cold Hammer Forged barrel with a 1:7″ twist. The upper receiver is fitted with a 13.5″ NSR free floating KeyMod handguard, ALG Defense ACT Trigger, and much more. The Noveske Rifleworks Gen III Recon rifle features a Magpul pistol grip and collapsible stock.

Specifications and Features

Noveske Rifleworks semi auto rifle Gen III Recon
5.56 NATO (accepts .223 Remington) 16″ Stainless barrel with bead blast finish, cold hammer forged
1:7 Twist
7075-T6 Aluminum Upper and Lower Receiver
Hardcoat Type III Anodizing
Black Cerakote Ceramic Coating
Raptor Ambidextrous Charging Handle
Shot Peened and MP Tested Bolt
Auto Bolt Carrier with Staked Gas Key
ALG Defense Combat Trigger
Mil-Spec 6 Position Receiver Extension
Staked Noveske QD End Plate
13.5″ NSR Free Float KeyMod Handguard
MagPul STR Carbine Stock
MagPul MIAD Pistol Grip
Back Up Iron Sights
30-Round Magazine


Rock River LAR-15 Elite CAR A4

Rock River Arms makes some of the best AR-15 rifles in the world. After exhaustive testing, both the FBI and DEA turned to Rock River Arms for their patrol rifle contracts. If you want a rifle that is rugged enough for the top federal law enforcement agencies in the country, choose a Rock River.

The LAR-15 Elite CAR A4 starts with the RRA Tactical CAR buttstock, flat top optic-ready upper, and Hogue rubber pistol grip. It features a standard mid-length handguard with a RRA Flip-up Front Sight Gas Block. The Elite CAR A4 is chambered in 5.56 NATO and accepts .223 Remington. This rifle is built for precision with Rock River’s excellent two-stage trigger and chrome lined 16-inch Chrome Moly barrel that has a 1:9 twist. The LAR-15 Elite CAR A4 from Rock River Arms is an affordable and exceedingly effective AR-15 modern sporting rifle that offers fantastic performance in any shooting environment.

Specifications and Features

Rock River Arms LAR-15 Elite CAR A4 AR1231
AR-15 Semi Automatic Rifle
Mid-Length Gas System
5.56 NATO accepts .223 Remington
30 Rounds
16″ Chrome Moly Barrel
Chrome Lined with a 1:9 Twist
Threaded 1/2″x28 TPI with A2 Flash Hider
Forged A4 Aluminum Flat Top Upper Receiver
Forged RRA LAR-15 Aluminum Lower Receiver
RRA Flip-up Front Sight Gas Block
RRA 6-Position Tactical CAR Buttstock
RRA Two Stage Trigger
Standard Mid-Length Handguard
Hogue Rubber Pistol Grip
Black Furniture and Finish
30 Round Magazine
Weight 7.7 Pounds
Overall Length 36″

LMT CQB MRP Defender

Lewis Machine & Tool Company was created over 30 years ago to provide the U.S. military and law enforcement with superior quality weapons and modular weapon systems. Since its humble beginnings, the LMT mission is to exceed its customer’s expectations of quality and affordability of precision-machined weapon systems, assemblies, and components. With cutting edge designs and state of the art manufacturing, LMT has been well recognized for its excellence in the firearms industry.

The CQB MRP Defender AR-15 features LMT’s innovative Monolithic Rail Platform or MRP. This lightweight, one-piece upper receiver with integral quad rail is at the heart of LMT’s quick change barrel system. You can change calibers in the field quickly without the use of additional tools. This CQB Rifle includes a Chrome Lined Heavy Contour Barrel chambered in 5.56 NATO with a 1:7 twist. Optic ready and STANAG 4694 complaint, you know all of your accessories will mount to the MRP platform with rock solid attachment. When failure is not an option, you’ll want a CQB16 in your hands.

Specifications and Features

Lewis Machine & Tool Company CQB MRP Defender CQB16
CQB Monolithic Rail Platform
AR-15 Semi Automatic Rifle
5.56x45mm NATO accepts .223 Remington
30 Rounds
16″ Cold Hammer Forged Chrome Lined Heavy Contor Barrel Cryogenically Treated Barrel to increase Accuracy, Barrel Life and easier cleaning.
Muzzle Device A2 Birdcage Flash Hider (1/2×28)
1:7″ Twist with Black Nitride Finish
Direct Impingement Gas System
Aluminum MRP Upper Receiver
Aluminum Defender Lower Receiver
Standard Semi-Auto Bolt Carrier Group
Tactical Charging Handle
Adjustable Detachable Sight System
Mil- Std 1913 STANAG 4694 Compliant Quadrail
SOPMOD 6 Position Collapsible Buttstock
Weight 7.45 lbs
Length 33″ to 36.25″
Black Finish


DPMS Panther Bull Twenty-Four

The DPMS Panther Bull Twenty-Four is what you need if you are looking for a really accurate rifle. The Panther Bull Twenty-Four is chambered in .223 Remington and features a 24-inch stainless steel bull barrel. It comes with an A2 stock and the magazine holds 30 rounds. The Panther Bull Twenty-Four is available in any color, so long as you choose black.

Specifications and Features

DPMS Panther Bull Twenty-Four
.223 Remington
24″ Stainless Steel Bull Barrel
6 Grooves, Right Hand 1/9″ Twist
Gas Operated Rotating Bolt
8620 steel bolt carrier, heat treated and plated per Mil Spec
Weighs 9.8 lbs. unloaded
Overall length of 42.25″
A3 Flattop Upper with Shell Deflector, Forward Assist, Dust Cover, and is hard coated anodized per MIL-SPEC and Teflon coated black
Forged aluminum alloy lower
Standard A2 Black Zytel MIL-SPEC with Trap door assembly Stock
Aluminum ribbed free float tube handguard

Stag Arms STAG-15 Super Varminter

The Stag Arms LLC STAG-15 Super Varminter was specifically designed to squeeze every last ounce of accuracy from an AR-15 platform rifle—with larger game in mind. Featuring a 20.77-inch 410 stainless steel heavy profile barrel with an 11 degree target crown, you will easily reach varmints and predators at distance. With a Hogue free float handguard and low profile gas block, this is an optics ready platform that is just begging for your favorite long range scope. It sports a rock solid Magpul fixed rifle stock. The Stag 2-stage trigger aids the shooter in sending rounds down range with surgical precision. Each firearm is built to the highest quality standards and comes with a lifetime warranty from Stag Arms LLC with an infinite shot barrel guarantee. Hogs, coyotes, and deer beware; the Stag Super Varminter is on the prowl.

Specifications and Features

Stag Arms LLC STAG-15 Super Varminter
AR-15 Semi Automatic Rifle
Direct Gas Impingement System
Rifle Length Gas System
6.8mm Remington SPC with SAAMI Spec SPC II Chambering
20.77″ 410 Stainless Steel Heavy Barrel
Button Rifled with a 1:11″ Twist Rate
11 Degree Target Crown
10-Round Magazine
Forged 7075-T6 Aluminum Upper/Lower Receiver
Type 3 Hard Coat Anodized Finish
M16 Bolt Carrier Group
Stag 2 Stage Trigger – 2 lb. first stage with 3.5 lb. let off
Low Profile Gas Block
Hogue Free Floating Handguard with Sling Swivel
Magpul Fixed Rifle Stock
Hogue Pistol Grip
Overall Length 39.25″
Overall Weight 7.8 lbs.
Matte Black Finish

Bushmaster XM-15 ORC

If you’re looking for an excellent entry level AR rifle chambered in .300 Blackout—at a price that you can afford—the Bushmaster’s ORC Semi Auto Tactical Rifle is the perfect choice. The XM-15 ORC comes with a 16-inch, heavy contour, chrome-moly barrel with a manganese phosphate finish for longevity and ease of cleaning. The free-float handguard is knurled for a positive grip and free-floating for enhanced accuracy. The hard coat anodized receiver is corrosion resistant and Teflon coated to stand up to the wear and tear of high volume shooting. The polymer six-position collapsible stock adjusts to fit you perfectly. It has a MIL-SPEC single-stage trigger, switch-style safety, and A2 birdcage-type flash hider.

Specifications and Features

Bushmaster XM-15 ORC
AR-15 Semi-Automatic Rifle
.300 AAC Blackout
16″ Heavy Contour Barrel
30 Rounds
1:7 Twist
6 Position Stock
A2 Flash Hider
Matte Black Finish


Just Right Carbine Gen 3 Takedown Carbine 9mm

The Just Right Carbine Gen 3 Takedown Carbine is a semi-automatic AR-style pistol caliber carbine. Designed to be completely ambidextrous, the JRC provides you with the ability to configure which side you would like the charging handle to be on, as well as which side you prefer the brass to eject. Utilizing standard M4/AR-15 parts allows you to easily maintain the JRC Gen 3 Takedown Carbine, or customize it as you see fit. The buttstock sits atop a commercial buffer tube to allow quick switching. The fire control group components are all standard AR-15 standard parts. The Gen3 Carbine comes with a lightweight, free-float KeyMod handguard that has a full-length top rail. Get more bang! for your buck shooting pistol-caliber ammo in your closet with the JRC Gen 3 Pistol Caliber Carbine!

Specifications and Features

Just Right Carbine
Semi Automatic Rifle
9mm Luger
17″ Threaded Barrel
1:16 Twist
1/2×28 Threads
17 Rounds
Accepts S&W M&P Magazines
Straight Blowback Operation
Ambidextrous bolt configurable for left or right hand
Ambidextrous ejection configurable for left or right side
Takedown Tube Forend
Machined from 6061 T6 Aluminum
Hardcoat Anodized
Commercial M4 Buffer Tube
6-Position Buttstock
Pistol Grip
Utilizes Standard Trigger Components and Pistol grip
31″ to 34.25″ Overall Length
6.5 lbs.

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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Growing Your Own Food From Seed

The Value Of Sustainability Today
Today’s economy has a dramatic aspect to it. The moment you think things have become stable, something strange knocks everything out of whack again. It wouldn’t be so bad if you had the resources to weather the storm in some degree of comfort. But the vast majority of people just aren’t in such a position, and are further hampered by debt.

There needs to be a way of escaping things like debt, reducing living expenses, and increasing the solidity of your current situation. One thing that is characterizing many households today is the sustainability movement. This is a kind of living wherein individuals try to concoct solutions that preclude government reliance.

In terms of energy, three modes of electrical production are becoming more mainstream for residences: solar energy, wind energy, and water energy—all three of which can be installed on a property that has a fast enough body of water nearby and regular wind for about $15k, depending.

Something else that is quickly becoming a characteristic of the modern household is a vegetable garden—something which bears its own elegance. There are plants which will grow in just about any environment, and don’t necessarily require a deluge to maintain. Certain cacti can grow in almost any environment, and many seed-bearing plants with nutritional benefits (like hemp) are likewise easy to grow.
Husbanding Your Garden
As you might expect, a market has developed due to this shift in consumer sensibilities. While it may take a few years to get a garden’s growth at such a level where it regularly produces enough for your household, this gives homeowners not just a useful hobby, but a means of deferring costs related to nutrition.

It is possible to remain healthy from an entirely vegetarian diet sourced through a garden. Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, hemp seeds—these all have protein and fats necessary for health. Tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, apples, squash, peppers, onions—these are just a few available plants you can husband toward healthy, regular yields annually.

To get started, you want to do your homework beforehand, know the seasons of your local community, and source your seeds from a purveyor that understands the market, and what that market is demanding.

At you can find seeds provided through a top-tier operation; according to the site: “Seed Needs consistently ships thousands of seed packets on a weekly basis. The vast majority of our seed products are packaged based on customer demand, and are stored in a temperature-controlled environment for maximum freshness.”
Comprehensive Sustainability
Now imagine a possible scenario: after five years, you’ve got a garden that is regularly productive and has facilitated its own micro climate which requires much less intervention than it did from you previously. Additionally you don’t need energy from “the grid”, because you use solar, wind, and water energy.

What you save in electricity pays for the garden. If you’re savvy with plumbing, you may be able to use nearby water-sources as means of irrigation, cutting out your water bill. The coup de grace? A crypto currency mining operation in the basement. Double down on architectural developments and install a prefabricated structure on your property.

If you are savvy, you have the potential to live entirely off the grid without losing money or health while yet providing a service to society that returns you assets. It’s conceivable you could do all this for well under $100k, and be without the bounds of debt in under ten years.

Yes, it will take a lot of work—but it’s not something entirely impossible. Still, you may not want to go with so comprehensive a venture. It may be wiser to start small—with a simple vegetable garden in your backyard, or hung from a planter in the window of your apartment.
For additional information see the following links: