Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Do NOT give the Internet to the United Nations

This is a REAL THREAT that will happen September 30, 2016 if we don't do something about it.

See:  Keep the Internet Free

The Obama administration is pushing through a radical proposal to take control of Internet domains and instead give it to an international organization, ICANN, that includes 162 foreign countries. If that proposal goes through, countries like Russia, China, and Iran could be able to censor speech on the Internet, including here in the U.S. by blocking access to sites they don't like.
Right now, the Obama administration’s proposal to give away the Internet is an extraordinary threat to our freedom and it’s one that many Americans don’t know anything about. It is scheduled to go in to effect September 30, 2016. Congress must act before it's too late!
For additional information see the following links:
Blog Table of Contents


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Riot & Looting Preparations

What are some preparations you can have in case of Rioting and Looting?

Lets look at a list:
  1. A seven (7) day supply of Food and Water so you don't have to leave home. More is better, but if you are a Beginner, this will cover most riots and give the national guard time to get things under control.
  2. Smoke alarms, Fire Extinguishers and an emergency evacuation plan.
  3. Intruder Detection - Window, Door Alarms, Motion detecting Security Alarms & Cameras to alert you night or day if some one is approaching your house. 
  4. A Thermal Vision scope to see at night (under $600) or lower cost Night Vision.
  5. AMMO - Non-Lethal rubber shot gun bullets might be your first round of defense.  If this doesn't stop them, then the next round might be bird shot, followed by buck shot.  Here is a link to determine how much AMMO you need.
  6. A good Home Security Plan and Neighbor Hood Plan is even better.

For additional information see the following links:
Blog Table of Contents
Terrorist Attack - Best Preparations

Additional reading:
What Do You Do If There is a Mass Riot??
7 Must Have Tools and Gadgets To Survive a Riot 

Intruder Detection

Intruder Detection is an important part of home security and neighborhood security.

Here are some things to have:
  1. Window, Door Alarms ($4 / $10 each)
  2. Motion detecting Security Alarms ($25 each).  These notify the intruder: "Warning, you have entered a protected area" which can be a deterrent that scares them away.
  3. Motion detecting Lights with some as low as $13 each. These let you see where motion is detected, IF you are watching.
  4. Security Cameras that e-mail you pictures if motion is detected are good unless power / communications are not working.
  5. Solar Powered lawn lights so you can see intruders.  Also good to charge batteries or light your home with.
  6. Thermal Vison ($600) or low cost Night Vision ($200) to see intruders in darkness when you are the most defenseless. 
  7. For country home security, driveway alarms are good; especially Solar Powered ones if you have a sunny area.  If not, battery powered ones like the Dakota work at long distances.  The good thing about these is they alert you silently before the intruder knows they have been detected which can be an advantage for you.  Some have a portable / pocket alarm that notifies you when an intruder is detected. 
  8. Put rocks in cans and string them up with low cost fishing string as a trip wire ($5).  I prefer Spyder Wire braided fishing string which is a little more expensive.  Other alternatives are to trip a mouse trap that sets off a percussion cap or have the string pull a loud noise maker crashing to the ground.
  9. This is one of my favorites:  A trip wire device that uses 22 cal blanks. and good trip wire/fishing string.  
For additional information see the following links:
Blog Table of Contents

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How Native Americans lost this country

Through out history, more advanced societies have conquered and forced others into submission.  Advances as simple as a shield, a longer spear or the bow and arrows changed the course of history.  The American Indians or Native Americans were a classic example. 

         Why did this occur?
  1. The Indians initially out numbered the invading European settlers (excessive immigration)
  2. Their bows could fire 6 arrows per minute to the pioneers 1 rifle shot per minute so at close range, their weapons were initially more effective. In time this changed as revolvers and lever action guns were invented. Couldn't the Indians have used an AR?  Who says no American needs an AR?
  3. They knew the land and how to survive.
  4. They outnumbered the Spanish Conquistadors. 
But they failed to act until they were out numbered by the invading foreigners.

Had the Indians banded together and slaughtered all the invaders, every time they set foot on their shores, it might have been a different story.  That is what the Spanish Conquistadors did in several cases. Granted, there were many good people who came and some kind hearted (weak?) Indians even welcomed and helped them to survive. But the point remains the same.  The Indians did nothing until it was too late.

Today, this is happening again.  Soon immigrants & sympathetic citizens will will out number Sensible Patriotic Americans.  Will they round us up and put us on reservations?

Will they take away our gun rights and ability to protect our families and country, and give our country away?

YES THEY WILL.  Slowly, over time with what they like to call "Common Sense Gun Laws" which is simply slow steady erosion of our gun rights.

But I'm in no way suggesting violence.

We have a weapon now that the Native American Indians didn't have..... the VOTE.

We must vote the Gun Banners and Open Border advocates out of office.  The Rights, Freedom and Security for our Children depends on this.  We cannot sit home and do nothing.  We must Vote with our ballots and with our actions.  We must refuse to do business with Gun Banners and those that want to give our country away.

Here is a list of Gun Banners to take such action against: ENEMIES OF A FREE STATE

Beyond this, you must get out and VOTE.


Enemy of a Free State

This is a list of enemies of our Free State and right to Bear Arms.  We should oppose these enemies at all levels: Vote against them, don't watch their movies nor buy their music, boycott their business.

The forces against us are large and powerful and well armed financially. They will slowly take away our rights with more and more "Common Sence Gun Laws" unless we unite and take decisive action.  We must support the NRA and politicians that protect our rights both financially and with our votes. Write or call them to say you refuse to do business with them.

  1. Barrack Husein Obama
  2. Hillary Clinton
  3. Diane Feinstein
  4. Nancy Pelosi
  5. Harry Reid
  6. Michael Bloomberg
  7. George Soros
  8. Many more found at the NRA Political Victory Fund
NRA ILA List of Anti’s:


The following organizations have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations. In many instances, these organizations lent their name in support of specific campaigns to pass anti-gun legislation such as the March 1995 HCI “Campaign to Protect Sane Gun Laws.” Many of these organizations were listed as “Campaign Partners,” for having pledged to fight any efforts to repeal the Brady Act and the Clinton “assault weapons” ban. All have officially endorsed anti-gun positions.
Ambulatory Pediatric Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Civil Liberties Union
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
American Medical Women’s Association
American Medical Student Association
American Medical Association
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Trauma Society
American Federation of Teachers
American Association of School Administrators
American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities
American Medical Association
American Bar Association
American Counseling Association
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association for World Health
American Ethical Union
American Nurses Association
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
American Firearms Association
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Jewish Committee
American Trauma Society
American Psychological Association
American Jewish Congress
American Public Health Association
Americans for Democratic Action
Anti-Defamation League
Black Mental Health Alliance
B’nai B’rith
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Children’s Defense Fund
Church of the Brethren
Coalition for Peace Action
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
College Democrats of America
Committee for the Study of Handgun Misuse & World Peace
Common Cause
Congress of National Black Churches, Inc.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Consumer Federation of America
Council of the Great City Schools
Council of Chief State School Officers
Dehere Foundation
Disarm Educational Fund
Environmental Action Foundation
Episcopal Church-Washington Office
Florence and John Shumann Foundation
Friends Committee on National Legislation
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
George Gund Fun
Gray Panthers
H.M. Strong Foundation
Harris Foundation
Hechinger Foundation
Interfaith Neighbors
Int’l Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union
Int’l Association of Educators for World Peace
Jewish Labor Committee
Joyce Foundation
Lauder Foundation
Lawrence Foundation
League of Women Voters of the United States*
Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Manhattan Project II
Mennonite Central Committee-Washington Office
National Safe Kids Campaign
National Association of Police Organizations
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Black Nurses’ Association
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
National Network for Youth
National Assembly of National Voluntary Health & Social Welfare Organizations
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association of School Psychologists
National Association of Counties*
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners
National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers
National Education Association
National Association of Elementary School Principals*
National Association of Public Hospitals
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of Social Workers
National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions
National Association of School Psychologists
National Council of La Raza
National Center to Rehabilitate Violent Youth
National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
National Council of Negro Women
National Association of Community Health Centers
National People’s Action
National Education Association*
National League of Cities
National Council on Family Relations
National Council of Jewish Women
National Organization for Women
National Political Congress of Black Women
National Parks and Conservation Association
National Peace Foundation
National Urban League, Inc.
National Parent, Teachers Association*
National Urban Coalition
National SAFE KIDS Campaign
National Organization on Disability
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Ortenberg Foundation
Peace Action
People for the American Way
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Police Foundation
Project on Demilitarization and Democracy
Public Citizen
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
The Council of the Great City Schools
The Synergetic Society
20/20 Vision
U.S. Catholic Conference, Dept. of Social Development
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Association
United States Catholic Conference
United Methodist Church, General Board & Church Society
United Church of Christ, Office for Church in Society*
United States Conference of Mayors
War and Peace Foundation
Women Strike for Peace
Women’s National Democratic Club
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)
Women’s Int’l League for Peace and Freedom
World Spiritual Assembly, Inc.
YWCA of the U.S.A.
*The national organization only endorses federal legislation.


The following listing includes the most prominent national corporations that have lent their corporate support to gun control initiatives or taken position supporting gun control.
A & M Records
Al Cafaro, Chrm. & CEO
595 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
(212) 826-0477
Record Production, Entertainment

American Century Companies

James E. Stowers, CEO
4500 Main St., 4th Floor
Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 531-5575
Mutual Fund & Stock Investment Company on NYSE

American Multi Cinemas Entertainment, Inc.

Stanley H. Durwood, Co-Chairman, CEO Peter C. Brown, President, CFO
106 West 14th Street, #1700
Kansas City, MO 64141
(816) 221-4000
Movie Theater Company

Argosy Casino

H. Steven Norton, President, CEO
777 N.W. Argosy Parkway
Riverside, MO 64150
(816) 746-7711
Gambling Casino Company

Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc.

Bennett R. Cohen Chrm. & CEO
Rte. 100, Box 240
Waterbury, VT 05676
(802) 244-5641
Ice cream and frozen yogurt

BJC Health Systems

Fred L. Brown, President & CEO
4444 Forest Park Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63108
(314) 747-9322
Healthcare Company
Blue Cross Blue Shield – Kansas City
John P. Mascotte, President
P.O. Box 419169
Kansas City, MO 64141
(816) 395-2222
Healthcare Company
Brooks Investments-Robert Brooks
Robert Brooks
45 Chesterfield Lakes Road
Chesterfield, MO 63005
Investment Company
Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc.
Philip M. Hawley, Chrm. & CEO
444 South Flower Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 620-0150
Retail clothing and accessories stores
Crown Central Petroleum Corp.
Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr.
One North Central Street Box 1168
Baltimore, MD 21203
(301) 539-7400
Refiners and marketers of petroleum products, convenience stores
Development Specialists – Chicago
70 W. Madison Street, #2300
Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 263-4141
Earthgrains – St. Louis
8400 Maryland Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63105
(314) 259-7000
National Bread Company
General American – St. Louis
Richard A. Liddy, CEO
P.O. Box 396
St. Louis, MO 63166
(314) 843-8700
Life Insurance

Hallmark Cards

Irvine O. Hockaday, President & CEO
P.O. Box 418307
Kansas City, MO 64141
(816) 274-5111
Greeting Card Company
Health Midwest
2316 East Meyer Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 751-3000
National Healthcare Company
ICN Biomedicals
Adam Jerney, Chrm. & CEO
3300 Hyland Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 545-0113
Pharmaceutical products
James B. Nutter Co. – Kansas City
James B. Nutter
4153 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 531-2345
Investment Banker
Kansas City Chiefs
One Arrowhead Drive
Kansas City, MO 64129
(816) 924-9300
Pro Football Team
Kansas City Royals
David Glass, CEO
P.O. Box 419969
Kansas City, MO 64141
(816) 921-8000
Pro Baseball Team

Kenneth Cole

152 W. 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
(800) 536-2653
Clothing retailer
Lamar Advertising Company
Lamar Outdoor Advertising
5551 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 2-A
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
P. O. Box 66338
Baton Rouge, LA 70896
(225) 926-1000
Fax (225) 926-1005
Levi Strauss & Co.
Robert D. Haas, Chairman
Philip Marineau, CEO
Peter A. Jacobi, President and COO
1155 Battery St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 501-6000
FAX (415) 501-3939
Mallinckrodt, Inc. – St. Louis
C. Ray Holman, President & CEO
675 McDonnell Blvd, Box 5840
St. Louis, MO 63134
(314) 654-2000
Clothing Starch Company
Michael Douglas Foundation
3550 Wilshire
Los Angele, CA 90010
MNC Financial, Inc.
Ten Light Street Box 987
Baltimore, MD 21203
(301) 244-5000
Banking, financial services
Sara Lee Corporation
Sara Lee Foundation
Three First National Plaza
Chicago, IL 60602-4260
Phone: 312-726-2600
Fax: 312-726-3712

Silver Dollar City

Peter Herschend
One Corporate Drive
Branson, MO 65616
800 475-9370
Amusement Parks

Site Oil Company – St. Louis

Alvin J. Siteman, President
50 S. Bemiston
St. Louis, MO 63105
(314) 725-4321
Oil Company

Southland Corporation

Masatoshi Ito, Chrm.
2711 North Haskell Avenue
Dallas, TX 75221
Convenience stores

Southwestern Bell Telephone- St. Louis

One Bell Center
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 235-9800
Telecommunications Firm

Sport & Health, Inc.

Don Konz, CEO
1800 Old Meadow Rd.
McLean, Virginia 22102
(703) 556-6556
Health clubs and fitness centers

Sprint Corp PAC

William T. Esrey, Chrm., Pres. & CEO 2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway
Westwood, KS 66205
913 624-3000
Telecommunicaitons Firm

SSM Health System – St. Louis

477 N. Lindbergh
St. Louis, MO 63141
(314) 994-7800
Healthcare Company
St. Louis Rams
One Rams Way
Earth City, MO 63045
(314) 982-7267
Pro Football Team
St. Louis University
Rev. Lawrence Biondi, President
221 N. Grand Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63103
(314) 977-2222
Private Catholic University

Stoneyfield Farms Yogurt

Mr. Gary Hirshberg, CEO
10 Burton Drive
Londonderry, NH 03053
(603) 437-7594

Sverdrup Corp.

Richard E. Beumer,
Chairman & CEO
13723 Riverport Drive
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
(314) 436-7600
Engineering Firm

Time Warner Inc.

Gerald M. Levin, Chrm. & CEO
75 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10019
(212) 364-8300
Publishing, film and music recordings

TMP Worldwide/Monster.Com

Andrew McKelvey, CEO
1633 Broadway, 33rd Fl.
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-977-4200
Fax: 212-956-2142
online employment service

Unity Health – St. Louis

1650 Des Peres Road #301
St. Louis, MO 63131
(314) 909-3300
Healthcare Company

Working Assets

Peter Barnes, Founder
701 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94111
(415) 788-0777


The following publications and media outlets have assisted in the attack on Second Amendment rights. The editorial policies of some of the media sources listed portray firearms in a negative manner in an attempt to generate public support for restrictions on firearms ownership. Others have refused some or all of NRA’s advertisements.
Capital Cities/ABC
Television Network
77 W. 66th Street
New York, NY 10023-6298
(212) 456-7777

Bell Atlantic-D.C.

2055 L Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 392-9900

Blue Chip Stamps

15801 S. Eastern Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90040
(213) 720-4600

The Christian Publishing Society

The Christian Science Monitor
One Norway Street
Boston, MA 02115
(508) 586-6200

Columbia Broadcasting Service

CBS Television Network
51 W. 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019
(212) 975-4321

Corporation For Public Broadcasting/ PBS Television

1320 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 22314-1698
(703) 739-5000
(703) 739-0775 – Fax

Cox Newspapers

Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Credibank Towers, Suite 400
2800 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, FL 33137
(305) 576-7678

Gannett News Service

USA Today
1000 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22229
(703) 276-5806

Johnson Publishing Company, Inc.

Ebony Magazine
820 S. Michigan avenue
Chicago, IL 60605-2190
(312) 322-9250

Knight-Ridder Newspapers

Detroit Free-Press
321 W. LaFayette Blvd.
Detroit, MI 48231
(313) 222-6400

Miami Herald

One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132-1683
(305) 350-2111

Los Angeles Times

Times Mirror Square
Los Angeles, California 90053
(213) 237-4511
(213) 237-7679 – Fax

McCall’s Magazine

110 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10017-5603
(212) 463-1000

Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine

Emap PLC
6420 Wilshire Blvd., Floor 17
Los Angeles, California 90048
(323) 782-2000

National Broadcasting Company

NBC Television Network
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
(212) 664-4444

Newsweek, Inc.

Newsweek Magazine
444 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022-6999
(212) 350-4000

Rolling Stone Magazine

Jann Wenner, Chrm. & CEO
745 5th, Avenue
New York, NY 10151
(212) 758-3800

The New York Times Corporation

The New York Times
229 W. 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
(212) 556-1234

Time Magazine

Time & Life Building
Rockefeller Center
New York, NY 10020
(212) 522-1212

Times-Mirror Corporation

The Los Angeles Times
Times Mirror Square
Los Angeles, CA 90053
(213) 237-3000

The Baltimore Sun

501 N. Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21278
(301) 332-6300

The Tribune Company

Chicago Tribune
435 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 227-3000

Washington Post

1150 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20071
(202) 334-6000


The following celebrities and national figures have lent their name and notoriety to anti-gun causes, speaking out for anti-gun legislation and providing a voice for anti-gun organizations.  You can add to this anyone who appeared on the “Demand a Plan” anti-gun video telling everyone to demand gun control, most of them appear to be listed at the bottom.  Also add CANADIAN Jim Carrey for stupid his anti-gun video.
Jessica Alba – Actor
Krista Allen – Actor
Suzy Amis – Actor
Louis Anderson – Comedian
Richard Dean Anderson – Actor
Maya Angelou – Poet
David Arquette – Actor
Ed Asner – Actor
Alec Baldwin – Actor
Bob Barker – TV Personality
Carol Bayer Sager – Composer
Drew Barrymore – Actor
Kevin Bacon – Actor
Lauren Bacall – Actor*
Sarah Ban Breathnach – Writer
William Baldwin – Actor
Candice Bergen – Actor
Richard Belzer – Actor
Tony Bennett – Singer
Beyonce – Singer
Jon Bon Jovi – Singer
Peter Bogdonovich – Director
Peter Bonerz – Actor
Albert Brooks – Actor
Beau Bridges – Actor
Benjamin Bratt – Actor
Bonnie Bruckheimer – Movie Producer
Christie Brinkley – Model
Dr. Joyce Brothers – Psychologist/Author
James Brolin – Actor
James Brooks – TV Producer
Mel Brooks – Actor/Director
Betty Buckley – Actor
Ellen Burstyn – Actor
Steve Buscemi – Actor
David Canary – Actor
Kate Capshaw – Actor
Kim Cattrall – Actor
Josh Charles – Actor
Robert Chartloff – Producer
Stockard Channing – Actor
Terri Clark – Singer
George Clooney – Actor
Jennifer Connelly – Actor
Judy Collins – Singer
Kevin Costner – Actor
Sean Connery – Actor
Sheryl Crow – Singer
Billy Crystal – Actor
Julie Cypher – Director
Arlene Dahl – Actor
Clive Davis – Writer
Linda Dano – Actor
Matt Damon – Actor
Pam Dawber – Actor
Patrika Darbo – Actor
Stuart Damon – Actor
Ellen Degeneres – Actor
Gavin de Becker – Writer
Rebecca DeMornay – Actor
Danny DeVito – Actor
Michael Douglas – Actor
Phil Donahue – Talk Show Host
Richard Donner – Director
Fran Drescher – Actor
Richard Dreyfus – Actor
David Duchovny – Actor
Sandy Duncan – Actor
Christine Ebersole – Actor
Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds – Singer
Missy Elliott – Singer
Gloria Estefan – Singer
Melissa Etheridge – Singer
Mia Farrow – Actor
Mike Farrell – Actor
Carrie Fisher – Actor
Sally Field – Actor
Doug Flutie – NFL player
Fannie Flagg – Actor
Jane Fonda – Actor
Jodie Foster – Actor
Rick Fox – NBA Player
Andy Garcia – Actor
Art Garfunkel – Singer
Geraldo – TV personality
Richard Gere – Actor
Kathie Lee Gifford – TV personality
Paul Glaser – TV director
Brad Gooch – Writer
Elliott Gould – Actor
Louis Gossett, Jr. – Actor
Michael Gross – Actor
Nancy Lee Grahn – Actor
Bryant Gumbel – TV Personality
Deidra Hall – Actor
Ethan Hawke – Actor
Mariette Hartley – Actor
Mark Harmon – Actor
Anne Heche – Actor
Howard Hesseman – Actor
Marilu Henner – Actor
Dustin Hoffman – Actor
Hal Holbrook – Actor*
Helen Hunt – Actor
Francesca James – TV Producer
Norman Jewison – Director
Lainie Kazan – Actor
Richard Karn – Actor
Jeffrey Katzenberg – Producer
Barry Kemp – TV Producer
David E. Kelley – TV Producer
Diane Keaton – Actor
Margaret Kemp – Interior Designer
Chaka Khan – Singer
Stephen King – Author (Added by 2ACheck)
Kevin Kline – Actor
Michael E. Knight – Actor
Jonathan Kozol – Writer
Lenny Kravits – Singer
Lisa Kudrow – Actor
Wally Kurth – Actor
Christine Lahti – Actor
k.d. lang – Singer
Ricki Lake – TV personality
Denis Leary – Actor
John Leguizamo – Actor
Norman Lear – TV Producer
Spike Lee – Director
Hal Linden – Actor
Tara Lipinski – Former Olympian
Keyshawn Johnson – NFL player
Rob Lowe – Actor
Amanda Marshall – Singer
Barry Manilow – Singer
Camryn Manheim – Actor
Howie Mandel – Actor
Kyle MacLachlan – Actor
Madonna – Singer
Marla Maples – Actor
Marsha Mason – Actor*
Mase – Singer
Penny Marshall – Director
Prema Mathai-Davis – YWCA Official
John McDaniel – Musician
John McEnroe – Athlete
Brian McKnight – Musician
Natalie Merchant – Singer
Bette Midler – Singer
Mary Tyler Moore – Actor
Michael Moore – Film Maker
Mike Myers – Actor
Kathy Najimy – Actor
Jack Nicholson – Actor
Leonard Nimoy – Actor
Mike Nichols – Director
Stephen Nichols – Actor
Rosie O’Donnell – Actor/Talk Show Host
Jennifer O’Neill – Actor
Julia Ormond – Actor
Jane Pauley – TV Personality
Sarah Jessica Parker – Actor
Mandy Patinkin – Actor
Richard North Patterson – Writer
Rhea Perlman – Actor
Michelle Pfieffer – Actor
Aidan Quinn – Actor
Colin Quinn – Actor
Dennis Quaid – Actor
Elizabeth Bracco Quinn – Actor
Bonnie Raitt – Singer
Debbie Reynolds – Actor
Mary Lou Retton – Former Olympian
Paul Reiser – Actor
Peter Reckell – Actor
Rob Reiner – Actor/Director
Robert Redford – Actor/Director
Anne Rice – Writer
Cathy Rigby – Actor
Julia Roberts – Actor
Marc Rosen – TV Producer
Tim Robbins – Actor
Tim Roth – Actor
Renee Russo – Actor
Robin Ruzan – Wife of Mike Myers
Meg Ryan – Actor
Susan Sarandon – Actor
Jerry Seinfeld – Actor
Kyra Sedgwick – Actor
Martin Sheen – Actor
Russell Simmons – Record Producer
Neil Simon – Playwright*
Louise Sorel – Actor
Mira Sorvino – Actor
Rena Sofer – Actor
Britney Spears – Singer
Bruce Springsteen – Singer
Kevin Spirtas – Actor
Barbra Streisand – Singer
David Steinberg – Director
Sylvester Stallone – Actor
Harry Dean Stanton – Actor
Meryl Streep – Actor
Patrick Stewart – Actor
Sharon Stone – Actor
Sting – Singer
Trudie Styler – Actor
Jonathan Taylor Thomas – Actor
The Temptations – Pop Group
Vinny Testaverde – NFL player
Marlo Thomas – Actor*
Uma Thurman – Actor
Steve Tisch – Producer
Mike Torrez – Former Baseball player
Shania Twain – Singer
Dick Van Dyke – Actoe
Eli Wallach – Actor*
Harvey Weinstein – Producer
Jann Wenner – Publisher
Sigourney Weaver – Actor
Victor Webster – Actor
Andy Williams – Singer*
Kelli Williams – Actor
Henry Winkler – Actor
Oprah Winfrey – Entertainer
Rita Wilson – Actor
Vanessa Williams – Singer
Herman Wouk – Author
Joanne Woodward – Actor*
Peter Yarrow – Singer
Catherine Zeta-Jones – Actor
Ahmet Zappa -Actor
Diva Zappa -Actor
Dweezil Zappa – Musician
Gail Zappa -
Moon Zappa -Actor
Jennifer Aniston – Actor
Elizabeth Banks – Actor
Jason Bateman – Actor
Kristen Bell—Actor
Steve Carrell – Actor
Courtney Cox – Actor
Ellen DeGeneres – Actor
Zooey Deschanel – Actor
Cameron Diaz – Actor
Peter Dinklage – Actor
Will Ferrell – Actor
Jamie Fox – Actor
Jennifer Garner – Actor
Selena Gomez – Actor
Carla Gugino – Actor
Jon Hamm – Actor
Kate Hudson – Actor
John Legend – Actor
Julia Louis-Dreyfus – Actor
Debra Messing – Actor
Julianne Moore – Actor
Julianne Moore – Actor
Conan O’Brien – Actor
Gwyneth Paltrow – Actor
Busy Phillips – Actor
Amy Poller – Actor
Jeremy Renner – Actor
Chris Rock – Actor
Paul Rudd – Actor
Mark Ruffalo – Actor
Brooke Shields – Actor
Sarah Silverman – Actor
John Slattery – Actor
Michelle Williams – Actor
Reese Witherspoon – Actor

* Denotes membership on Brady Campaign’s National Committee

Joel J. Alpert M.D. – Pediatrician
Robert Bernstein Ph.D – Pediatrician
Robert E. Brennan – Financier
Bishop Edmond Browning – Espiscopal Leader
James E. Carter – Former President
Marion Wright Edelman – Director, Childrens Defense Fund
Michael Eisner, Former Chairman and CEO The Walt Disney Company
Amitai Etzioni – Teacher
Tom Freston – MTV President
Dr. Lorraine E. Hale – Social Worker
Della M. Hughes – Activist
Ed Koch – Former Politician
C. Everett Koop – Former Surgeon General
Rev. Wallace Ryan Kuroiwa – Clergyman
Gerald M. Levin – Chairman, Time Warner
Davis S. Liederman – Ex. Dir. Child Welfare League
Paul Rabbi Menitaff – Clergyman
Abner Mikva – Former Judge
Richard Parsons – Pres. Time Warner
Steven Rockefeller – Financier
Ellen Y. Rosenberg – Activist
Rabbi David Saperstein – Clergyman
Herb Scannell – Pres. Nickelodeon
Vincent Schiraldi – Dir. Justice Policy Institute
Lyle Elmer Strom – Federal Judge
Joe Volk – Clergyman
Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie – Clergyman
Steve Benson – Cartoonist
Tony Auth – Cartoonist
Jim Borgman – Cartoonist
Jimmy Breslin – Columnist
Stuart Carlson – Cartoonist
Marie Cocco – Columnist
E.J. Dionne Jr. – Columnist
Bonnie Erbe – Columnist
Tom Fiedler – Columnist
Michael Gartner – Columnist
Mark Genrich – Columnist
James Glassman – Editor
Bob Herbert – Columnist
Bill Johnson – Columnist
Donald Kaul – Columnist
Mike Lane – Cartoonist
Leonard Larson – Columnist
Mike Luckovich – Cartoonist
Jimmy Margulies – Cartoonist
Deborah Mathis – Columnist
Colman McCarthy – Columnist
Jim Morin – Cartoonist
Tom Oliphant- Columnist
Mike Peters – Cartoonist
Robert Reno – Columnist
Frank Rich – Columnist
Cindy Richards – Columnist
Kevin Siers- Cartoonist
Ed Stein – Cartoonist
Tom Teepen – Editor
Tim Toles – Cartoonist
Garry Trudeau – Cartoonist
Cynthia Tucker – Columnist
Steve Twomey – Columnist
Steve Villano – Columnist
Adrienne Washington – Columnist
Don Wright – Cartoonist

Compiled by:
NRA Institute for Legislative Action
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, Virginia 22030

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Sunday, August 21, 2016

NRA: 5 Things Hillary Says She Will Do To Your Rights If She Wins

In June 2000, Hillary Clinton endorsed a bill introduced by U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., that would have required anyone who owns a handgun to be licensed and to have their name placed in a national database. Clinton said, “I stand in support of this common-sense legislation to license everyone who wishes to purchase a gun. I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry, such as Chuck is proposing.”

To read more about what Hillary has committed to do to our Right to Bear Arms, click HERE.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Silver vs Paper Dollars

In 1964, both of these had the same value. 

Today, the one ounce silver dollar is worth 15 to 20 times more.

 In our blog Investing for Preppers we show how much each one of these dollars can buy today as well as in 1964, the last year our money had silver in it. But today, lets talk about what form of cash you need to store for emergencies.  

Clearly we don't want to be spending silver dollars during a 3-day power outage.  At the same time, we won't be able to spend paper dollars after a total economic collapse. So we need paper dollars for short term events and sliver dollars for long term events. 

So the question arises, at what point does the paper dollar start to diminish in value and silver starts becoming necessary for purchases? 

In August 1921, the Germans made the first billion mark (gold) payment for World War I reparations. This immediately triggered a 1/3 fall in the value of the Paper Mark.   We call this Trigger Day
Imagine that over night everything that cost $1,00 yesterday, costs $1.50 today.

June 24, 1922, 10 months later, the Germany were struggling to make the war reparation payments, when several government officials were assassinated. The paper mark value dropped to 300 paper marks = 1 gold mark.  

Now everything that cost $1.00 only 10 months ago, costs $300 today.

January 1923, 18 months after Trigger Day, the German paper mark drops to 4,281 paper marks to 1 gold mark. 
February 1923, 1 gold mark   =                    6,650 paper marks.
May 1923, 1 gold mark          =                  11,355 paper marks. 
June 1923, 1 gold mark          =                  26,202 paper marks.
July1923, 1 gold mark            =                  84,186 paper marks.  
August 1923, 1 gold mark      =             1,100,632 paper marks.
2 years after the first drop, things that used to cost $1 now cost over $1,000,000. 
September 1923, 1 gold mark =          23,500,000 paper marks,
October 1923, 1 gold mark     =     6,100,000,000 paper marks
November 1923, 1 gold mark = 522,300,000,000 paper marks,
Falling in value by 300 marks in roughly 300 days, a silver dollar that initially cost $20 is worth more than $20 in paper money after 20 days.  For this reason I might suggest that we need enough cash in paper dollars to survive for 3 weeks (21 days).  

Considering inflation, how much money is this? Suppose we want to have the equivalent cash to buy $100 worth of groceries and supplies per week; here is how much we need to have on hand.  The first column is how much you would spend each day, the last column is a running total including inflation of how much you would need to have the equivalent of $100/week of grocery money. So after 7 days, your hundred dollar ($100) budget (left column) would require having four hundred dollars ($400) after 7 days of inflation.

If you wanted to allow $200 per week, simply double this amount; $300, triple this amount. 

After we have this amount of cash in small bills (NOT $100's), then we should start saving silver coins (not bars).  So how much in silver coins do we need?

In our blog Investing for Preppers we show the value of silver in terms of groceries and essentials.  From this I would suggest that we need enough to buy groceries, supplies, seeds, fertilizer and gardening tools to prepare for long term sustainable living.  Depending on the time of the year, you could need as much as 9 months supply to get through the winter, plant in the spring and harvest a crop. 

Considering that the silver will have at least 10 times the value of the dollar and will be sustainable, you should figure on having 10 silver dollars or equivalent US silver coins for each $100 of weekly budget above.  So for 9 months (worst case) x 4.3 weeks per month, or $387 in silver coin.  I would suggest that half of this be in silver Eagles and the other half in sliver quarters and dimes. At the sames time, it would be good to own some silver or gold mining stocks, up to 10% of your net worth.

So for each hundred dollars of weekly groceries and supplies that you need to budget, you will require $3,300 of cash and $387 dollars (face value) of silver coin.  Its also good to consider having a few items for Barter.

You can use this math to prepare at incremental levels.  Instead of having three weeks worth of cash ($3,300) you can start by having 1 weeks worth or $400. Then when you have your cash, you can get your silver coins a few at a time.  In the end, these will hold their value fairly well unlike some supplies with a shelf life that will expire and be worthless some day. 

This should be one part of an Incremental Prepper Plan.

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Situational Awareness

Developing your ability to scope your surroundings well enough to make better decisions and adjust your posture in different settings is a life changing defense skills.  Being mindful in this way concerning different scenarios you face is a life skill that helps in more ways than personal protection.


Be Like a pro with these OODA loop skills

Watch a demonstration of situational awareness on steroids using OODA loops.  Then find out how you and your family can develop these skills to help you in self defense, as well as making better decisions in life.

Besides the benefit of getting to “stay alive” in a dangerous situation, these skills develop you into a person who can freely and deeply enjoy your surroundings and the people within because you’re not distracted by technological gizmos unless, of course, you spot danger and then your attention goes to protecting those you love.
You get to choose just how skilled you are in comprehending your surroundings.  You can develop skills that act so fast they’re literally subconscious – like the government agent in the video on page 8.  Never-the-less, any level of skill in this area of situational awareness will be an aid to you getting yourself and your family to safety if the need ever arises.
But how do you start?  What do you look for?
How do I know if I’m paying attention to the right things? Are there behaviors or warning signs of an imminent threat that I should know about?
Next, we’ll discover the 4 levels of awareness plus we’ll define the OODA loop process

 Next Page »

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Situational Awareness Video Link

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Guns in plain sight

Part of a good home invasion plan is having guns safely hidden at strategic locations around the home. Such weapons need to be in a safe but accessible location.

Consider this real life story:

Daniel McNamara and his wife returned to their Detroit home last month around 6 p.m. As the McNamara’s entered their home, two men approached them from behind and ordered them inside the home at gunpoint. The suspects told the McNamara’s to turn around so they wouldn’t remember their faces while they stole jewelry, cash, cell phones, and other valuables.
 The intruders ordered the couple down into the basement and repeatedly told the couple not to look at them or they would shoot them in the face. While downstairs, one of the criminals walked back toward the stairs at which point Daniel grabbed a handgun he had hidden in the basement. Daniel fired two shots hitting one of the suspects as they both fled the house to a waiting car.

To read more on this topic at Cheaper Than Dirt, click HERE
I also recommend you sign up for their weekly BLOG.

For additional information see the following links:
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Home Invasion Response Plan 
Country Home Security Plan 
Urban Survival Plan


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The 4 BIGGEST THREATS facing America

 The greatest threats facing our country today are:
  1. Radical Islam
  2. Gun Control
  3. Big Government and the NSA
  4. Excessive Immigration
All very politically charged topics that our country will never fully agree on, but let me explain why they are serious threats.

1. First, anyone who lacks tolerance and believes all non-believers (in their religion) are enemies and should be killed are a serious threat.  Anyone who would blow themselves up to kill their enemies are a serious threat.  Iran has massive oil and natural gas reserves; why do they need nuclear power? What happens when these suicide bombers start getting equipped with small Iranian nuclear bombs?

The enemy is among us already and some of our leaders want to bring more. This next election may be our last chance to secure America. Unless we put strict immigration laws in place and start enforcing them, they will continue to infiltrate our country further. For someone who hates and wants to destroy America, major targets are likely to be New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Boston, Detroit & Washington DC.  This would kill millions and destroy our financial and government centers.  Families that can be verified as non radical by the FBI and who are interested in becoming Americans should be allowed to legally immigrate in accordance with our laws.

Granted, most Muslims are good peace loving people, but there are a large percentage who are radical or silently support radical Islam ideology.  Estimates and surveys I've heard have been between 13% and 20% while only 10% of Germans were Nazis; the rest were coerced with political correctness and later fear of disappearing in the night.  Listening to some of the Soccer fans in Turkey cheer the attack on Paris, this 13-20% seems believable. This is obviously not enough to attack the US directly, but it is enough to infiltrate our country, create division between races and classes and cause major disruptions.  With the Billions of dollars in trade deficit we have sent to the middle east for oil, they have used that money to buy most of our businesses, our media and then indirectly, our politicians including millions of dollars to one of the leading presidential candidates in 2016.

2. As long as we are armed, law abiding citizens can defend themselves against these other threats.  If there was strict gun control in 1770, the united States would not exist today except as a part of England.  Poorly armed and unable to secure our rights by force as George Washington did, we probably would have ended up on the short end of the stick like just the Native Americans, who initially had more people but were not armed as well.

The Right to Bear Arms that Shall not be infringed, wasn't intended to protect our ability to hunt for food, nor enable us to be safe in our homes.  The Right to Bear Arms was intended to protect us from a tyrannical government.  Our Forefathers that won our freedom carried the same guns the military did. The more our government infringes on the right to bear arms, the more important that right becomes to protect against them.

Oppressive countries enforce strict gun control and as a result, countries with less private firearm ownership tend to have lower personal rights, with the government deciding most everything of importance for them.  Things like what they can get, how much they are paid, which doctor they can see or even how many children they can have.  Mexico gun laws are very restrictive and very few citizens own guns and look at their terrible crime rate.  Countries that brag about low gun crime after banning them, either change the way they measure crime or fail to talk about total violent crime, which goes up after banning guns.  FBI statistics clearly show more guns correlates to less crime.  Banning guns only disarms law abiding citizens as the criminals still have them. See Gun Free Zone Facts This is based on an FBI report, not the "facts" of some special interest group.

Do we prohibit guns from criminals & those who are mentally ill?  The obvious answer seems to be yes, but think about this.  If we disagree with the government, they can declare us criminals or mentally ill.  Anyone who would want to own a gun must be mentally ill.... right?  Anyone who owns the wrong kind of gun, that gets more and more restrictive over time is a criminal, right? Veterans and Senior Citizens (easy prey for criminals) won't be competent enough to own guns. Can you see where this could go.  Next, an annual mental examination will be required to own a gun at our expense and a huge government fee/tax.  Slowly over time, more and more "common sense" gun regulations are put in place until it becomes nearly impossible to legally own a gun... no problem for criminals; actually unarmed victims is favorable for criminals.  Interesting how a large majority of all mass shootings are in Gun Free Zones.  Perhaps the people who implement those gun free zones are in part responsible for the victims who are shot, far more so than the gun manufactures being responsible when a criminal uses a gun to commit a crime. 

It should be noted that almost most mass shootings in public since 1950 are in places were guns are banned.  So obviously banning guns does not work.  See Gun Free Zone Facts

3. Big government is the least efficient way to manage things.  Look at the US Post Office which lost billions of dollars while Fed X and UPS are making nice profits.  Look at Social Security which is about to go broke, while private insurance and retirement funds are making money hand over fist.  Look at the VA health care with Veterans who fought for our freedom having to wait months for medical care.  Hundreds of thousands reportedly died while waiting for Government ran Health Care.  This was such a problem in the UK that in 2010 they passed a law to "ensure that no person waits longer than 18 weeks from the date that a patient is referred to the hospital to the time of the operation or treatment."  This law was passed because UK government health care was taking much longer, just like the US Veterans health care was and like US health care for everyone will be if we don't get and keep the government out of it. 

The NSA tracks the average American's phone 25 times per day in 2014;  Where you are, who you talked to, how long, even what you said; every text message and photo you send. Such total knowledge is ripe for abuse.  Every politician or person who is opposed to the NSA, Big Government or the President in power could have incriminating information leak out about them that destroys their life, even if it was only circumstantial evidence and they were totally innocent.  The NSA tracking every American with out a warrant is not the answer and the loss of freedom that it represents is not worth the small (if any) increase in safety.  We need to stop letting potential enemies into our country, not erode our rights so we can bring even more in.

Our prosperity and security has led us to be passive as our Government has grown larger and larger and our federal debt has exceeded 18 Trillion dollars which is over $55,000 for every man woman and child according to USDebtClock.org .  A typical family of four, owes $220,0000 in federal government debt, in addition to our own personal debt and state debt.  The total debt is over 65 Trillion, or $200,000 per citizen, $800,000 per family of four.  This is despite about 4 Trillion dollars in federal tax revenue which is an average of $10,000 of annual federal taxes per US citizen, or $40,000 for a family of four.  Our federal tax code is over 60,000 pages long.

4. Our government is supposed to be "Of the People, by the People and for the People." The people being the citizens of our country and not everyone who visits legally and especially not those that come to or stay in our country illegally.  Illegal immigrants often steal someones identity to use their Social Security number to get a job.   They claim 99 dependents so that no taxes are withheld.  Their tax burden then falls on the person whose SS number they use.  Donald Trump was once criticized for saying most illegal immigrants were criminals. I take exception to that statement because they are ALL criminals.  Granted, most are hard working & otherwise law-abiding individuals but too many get welfare, food stamps and all the government free benefits with out paying any taxes. If legalized, they could file past tax returns for 3 years and get over $20,000 in Earned Income Credit despite not having paid any taxes. At the same time, educated professional people who would not depend on welfare seek to immigrate and can't.

Don't get me wrong, when our country was under populated, selective and regulated growth through immigration is healthy, but excessive or unregulated growth is cancerous.  During historical periods of excessive immigration, we have experienced gang wars, riots and turf battles between the different ethnic groups.  This is starting again and will only get worse if we don't get things under control now.

Many today don't come here to adopt our ways and fit in to our country, but rather to change our ways to be like theirs through political correctness and claims of racism and profiling.  Profiling is actually a case of law enforcement working smarter.  Would we expect them to question female suspects in a typical rape case or suspect someone with out gang tattoos in a gang related shooting? Not profiling is stupid, but it must be done right. Asking to see ID to vote or confirm the legal status of a drunk driver who doesn't speak English should be fine, especially since speaking English has been a requirement for over 100 years to become a US Citizen.

Let me be clear; I am not a racist despite what many are thinking now.  Further, I resent hearing this all the time and would push back with this. With 97% of the black voters voting for a Black President while about 50% of the whites voted for him and 50% voted against him (an even distribution), who are the real racist? I was raised for many years by a woman of a different color; I worked in Mexico for years and some of my best friends plus the best boss I ever worked for and that I respect highly was a different color.  While charity is good, we would not borrow money to provide for strangers, which is what our country is doing when we bring in immigrants and let them get on welfare, food stamps and free health care. We can't afford it.  When our budget is balanced, it is okay.

So how do we fix these things?  The Declaration of Independence says that "it is the Right of the People to alter" .. our government.  We have a means to achieve this peaceably.  We must all VOTE these principals above all others. Here are some links to help you write to your US Government representatives.

Find Your Senators
Find Your Representative

We get rid of every politician in office that supports any form of gun control & expands government spending.  If the deficit goes up, no incumbent politician should be eligible for re-election. Businesses balance budgets all the time. Most Americans do it every week with their paychecks.  By normal business standards our country is bankrupt.

Obviously we can NOT deport every illegal immigrant. Its inhumane and our country needs the ones that work, pay taxes and do not draw welfare or other government handouts and speak English. Will there be some sob stories on the news and protests? Yes, the solutions to difficult problems are not easy or they would have been fixed already. Every illegal immigrant involved in violent protests should be immediately deported and never eligible to legally return under any circumstances.  Peaceful protests are 100% acceptable and I highly encourage them.  Martin Luther King was a great leader who changed history with Peaceful Protest.  Had he encouraged violence, it would have failed.

We must start by stopping the flow of more immigrants.  A wall is not practical and will not work, but requiring the use of E Verify or face employer fines of $50,000 for each illegal immigrant hired & enforcing it will solve the problem.  Illegal immigrants already working, paying taxes for the past 3-5 years, and not on any form of welfare, no criminal background, will receive a green card (not citizenship) and are temporarily exempt from deportation along with their immediate families.  They will be allowed to apply for citizenship like any other immigrant but receive no special consideration just because they broke our laws. Over time, many will go home because they won't be able to get jobs and welfare....others will stop coming.... problems solved.  Those that stay will be hard working law abiding citizens. 

For additional information see the following links:
Blog Table of Contents
The end of FREE America
Terrorist Attack - Best Preparations
Gun Free Zone Facts   
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