Sunday, August 27, 2017

Flood Bugout Bag

What should you have packed and ready to go in the event of a flood or hurricane?  

Here is a good list, but put each individual item in a water proof bag or case:

  1. Water resistant backpack
  2. Medicines, glasses, contacts, important documents, cash, and a First Aid kit
  3. Rain poncho, rain boots, umbrella, children's floats or life vests (wear/carry these)
  4. Change of clothes, & a blanket in a water proof bag (typical on all items)
  5. Drinking water (stainless steel bottle, camel-back, refillable containers)
  6. Dry foods, raisins, beef jerky, MRE's, cooked easy open can foods
  7. Fully charged cell phone in a water proof case
  8. Hand crank radio / flashlight / signal light in a water proof bag
  9. Hand held MURS Communications Radios in a water proof bag
  10. Chargers, cords and extra batteries in a water proof bag
  11. Folding knife, fire starter, Bic lighter & waterproof matches
  12. Area Map (waterproof) & compass in a water proof bag
  13. Good handgun in a good moisture resistant holster & ammo in water proof bag
  14. An inflatable raft, pool, float or wagon to carry some of your items
 For more information see:

Blog Table of Contents

Emergency Water Supply
Modern Home Security
Survive a 2 week power outage
Sustainable Lighting  

Riot & Looting Preparations
Natural & Man Made Disaster Preparation
Emergency Essentials Disaster Preparations  
Urban Security Plan


Beginner Prepper List   
Wilderness Survival Pack (Video) 
Wilderness Survival
Delivering Babies
Global Climate Facts

Friday, August 25, 2017

Edibility Test

Knowing the Universal Edibility Test is important for any Wilderness Survivalist. There are many plants throughout the world. Tasting even a small portion of some can cause severe discomfort, extreme internal disorders, and even death. Therefore, if you have the slightest doubt about a plant's edibility, do not eat it. Particularly avoid mushrooms unless you have been taught well which are edible. If you believe it is edible, first apply the Universal Edibility Test to be as safe as possible before eating any portion of it.

1.     Separate the plant into its basic components - leaves, stems, roots, buds, and flowers.
2.     Test only one part of a potential food plant at a time per person. If you have two people, you can test two parts; one each. However, keep at least one person well to care for those who could potentially get sick from this test.
3.     Smell the food for strong or acid odors. Remember, smell alone does not indicate a plant is edible or inedible.
4.     Do not eat for 8 hours before starting the test, especially anything new or unusual.
5.     During the 8 hours you abstain from eating, test for contact poisoning by placing a piece of the plant part you are testing on the inside of your elbow or wrist. Usually 15 minutes is enough time to allow for a reaction.
6.     During the test period, take nothing by mouth except purified water and the plant part you are testing.
7.     Select a small portion of a single part and prepare it the way you plan to eat it.
8.     Before placing the prepared plant part in your mouth, touch a small portion (a pinch) to the outer surface of your lip to test for burning or itching.
9.     If after 3 minutes there is no reaction on your lip, place the plant part on your tongue, holding it there for 15 minutes.
10.  If there is no reaction, thoroughly chew a pinch and hold it in your mouth for 15 minutes. Do not swallow.
11.  If no burning, itching, numbing, stinging, nausea, or other irritation occurs during the 15 minutes, swallow the food.
12.  Wait 8 hours. If any ill effects occur during this period, induce vomiting (salt water) and drink a lot of water.
13.  If no ill effects occur, eat a small hand full of the same plant part prepared the same way. Wait another 8 hours. If no ill effects occur, the plant part as prepared is probably safe for eating, especially in small quantities.

Use this test at your own risk, as the author, publisher, and affiliates accept no responsibility for your use of this. Test all parts of the plant for edibility, as some plants have both edible and inedible parts. Do not assume that a part that proved edible when cooked is also edible when raw. Test the part raw to ensure edibility before eating raw. The same part or plant may produce varying reactions in different individuals. Boiling and draining the juice several times can also reduce your risk.

Because this test is time consuming, you only want to use it for plants that are plentiful so you get enough to eat. Do not over harvest. Leave at least 10% of the more mature (less tender) plants to reproduce.

To learn more about edible plants, visit this excellent website:

 For additional information see the following links: Blog Table of Contents

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Primative Fire building

True Survivalist can make fire using NO man made materials. This is what I call "PRIMITIVE fire starting" and what we will focus on in this post.  This means a friction fire and dry materials to work with. Even then, its not easy and it takes practice. Preparation and selecting the right wood represents at least 51% of a successful fire.

For more on selecting the best fire wood click HERE.

For those who haven't tried it, I'm going to assure you that true primitive fire building is challenging. But as we have taught in our Rule of 3 which we use for setting survival priorities, shelter and warmth is our #3 top priority.  In a wilderness survival situation, #2 is likely irrelevant, making shelter and warmth our #2 priority.

In studying fire building, I found an awesome website on making fire, so rather than re-invent the wheel, I am going to simply list links to their site and add comments within the links. So here we go.

Stay Hunting on Fire building

1. Hand Drill
Simple components, but hard to generate fire.  Requires a dry little finger diameter "drill" rod about the length of your lower leg or arm and it must be straight and smooth.  The bottom end should be roughed up, or sanded with a rock; the top end pointed and smooth. Soft Popular, Cyprus, Willow, Cedar woods are good to use.  A dry fire board with a new hole and V notch in the edge is the second component, along with a base board to catch the coal.  Then after about 2 minutes of hard work, you should have a coal.

2. Fire Plow
Female sotol or yucca, found in dry regions, is the best wood to use.  With a minute and 20 second of friction work, you can have a coal.

3. Bow Drill
This is the easiest method, IF you have good cordage.  If not, you can spend more time finding, making and repairing cords than building fire with the Hand Drill. 

4. Fire Saw
With large dry bamboo takes about 1 minute of friction generating work after 10-15 minutes of getting ready.

For additional information click on the link below:
Blog Table of Contents
The Rule of 3 (set priorities by this)

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Nuclear Survival

Even a limited nuclear exchange would destroy everything for potentially hundreds of miles, sending up enough dust into the atmosphere to partially block the sun for years, causing drastically cooler conditions.  Earth could enter a man-made Ice Age or a Nuclear Winter which may be more severe than an Asteroid Impact Winter. The EMP from a nuclear exchange could destroy all electronics that are not shielded by a Faraday cage or metal enclosure. A solar flare could do the same.
Humans have survived an Ice Age before, but not during a time when our survival skills and preparations were so low.  The good news is that survival after a nuclear exchange is possible with a few preparations.

Such Preparations would fall in two categories 
1) Surviving a 3-10 year winter, tidal waves, fire storms and acid rain.  Within 20 days, the global average temperature would drop from 58 degrees (F) Fahrenheit to 35 F, recovering about 10 degrees after a year or two.  By this time, 1/3 or more of the northern hemisphere (all of Canada and Northern US) would be covered year-round by snow.  The entire earth would experience freezing in the winter, and only the darkest red areas would not be frozen year-round.

 2) Surviving the "break out" after the sky clears, and the weather warms enough to begin life outside again.  The risk of unusually high ultraviolet exposure exists as the skies clear after being scorched. Disease from the fatalities decaying is a serious risk.
1) Surviving a 3-10 year winter
It could happen without any warning with only a matter of days to react.  So a high level of preparation and readiness is important. What should we prepare for?
  • Living underground where the earths temperature is more constant may be required.  If not, a well-insulated shelter with a large supply of firewood, diesel or propane would be required making an "Event" like this, one of the most difficult to be prepared for.  Note that an underground shelter also protects from radiation as well as severe storms and cold.  See: Concrete Bunkers
  • A ten year supply of long shelf life foods, water & warm clothing.  See the post:
Identifying nearby food warehouses, school cafeterias and other such places that feed large numbers might be a place to salvage food.  Animals that survive will likely be underground, underwater or able to withstand cold and eat grasses under the snow or bark and twigs of trees like goats, rabbits & deer.
  • Green House to maintain your seed supply over such a long time and provide a small amount of food.
  • Security plans with a large supply of Ammo to protect what you have. Here a few links:
                 Passive Layered Security
                 Urban Security
2)  Surviving the break out
Nothing would be worse than surviving the extended winter and then not being prepared to survive the new world.  Here is what you might need and some of this could be salvaged from hardware and farm supply stores.
  • Extensive Farming and Ranching supplies, including seeds, plants, livestock, feed, tillers, seeders, garden tools like shovels, hoes, and rakes.  Chickens, dogs, goats, pigeons, and rabbits are good animals to have.
  • Green House to grow foods year-round.
  • Hand tools like saws, axes, drills, nails, water pumps & barrels.
  • Farming and Ranching Skills
  • Security is still important as it will be easy to let your guard down at this point and be caught unprepared.
  • Reproductive age adults for human re-population.
  • Substantial loss of land based animals; large bodies of water may be a key source of natural food supply.  
  • Snow melting will cause flooding, even in normally dry places.  
  • Decaying animals may result in high amounts of airborne disease.
At this point, common long-term survival preparations are needed in addition to those to handle cooler and more erratic weather and shorter growing seasons.  There is a tremendous amount of detail regarding a long-term sustainable meal plan that is important. How much do I need to plant and how many animals do I need to raise.  The Prepper Handbook by JR Ray on Amazon covers all of this in great detail, so we will not duplicate it here.  
For additional information click on the link below:

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Gas Mask

Gas Masks are one of those things that you don't talk about in front of just anyone for fear they will think you are crazy.  Yet the Rule of 3 states that you can die in 3 minutes without air making breathable air one of our top priorities.

These are great for smoke, tear gas and air borne pathogens or toxins that are not absorbed through the skin. Such masks range from $30 to $400 plus.

My favorite mask is the US Surplus Mask with a side mount NATO filter; side mount so you can shoot a rifle. These typically sell for less than $100. New NATO masks cost under $200.

But in extreme cases, full body protection is required.  Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) suits have been around for years.  Today they have evolved to Chemical Biological, Radiation and Nuclear or CBRN suits.  But these are expensive starting at $200 and going up to well over $1,000. The ones that are not rubber (or similarly chemical resistant) coated material provide limited protection.

For additional information see the following links: 
Blog Table of Contents

Modern Home Security

Using your garden for cover 
Security Patrol Pack (or Bug Out pack) 
Country Home Security Plan 
Home Invasion Response Plan

Guns in plain sight
Situational Awareness 
Intruder Detection 
Riot Preparations 
Double Barreled Defense