Friday, March 15, 2019

Homeschool 101

It's decision time! You already know that your desire is to stay at home and homeschool your kids. How do you pull everything together and actually do it?
Here is a simple step-by-step guide and checklist to assist families who are planning to homeschool. The order may vary depending on your family's circumstances. We encourage you to print this page and put a check mark as you complete each step. Homeschool 101 was born out of our nine (9) years of homeschooling experience. May this be of help to you! God Bless you in your homeschooling endeavor!

If you click on any word(s) highlighted in blue, a new browser window will open taking you to a related resource to help you accomplish that particular step. You do not have to leave this page to look at the recommended resource.


 1)   Pray for God's guidance and wisdom. Read the Bible for direction. Some passages to meditate on (below) are Deutoronomy 6:4-9, Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4 and Luke 2:52. A suggested daily reading/devotion is the book of Proverbs. There are 31 Chapters, 1 for each day of the month. Proverbs is God's instruction book for daily living, including parenting! "A proverb a day keeps the devil away!"

 2)   Husband and wife, discuss and agree together on homeschooling.

 3)   Sit down with your children and discuss your decision to homeschool.
 4)   Get your house in order. Establish routines, chores, and consistent discipline. Limit time spent on TV and computer games. Recommended parenting resources are available at Growing Families International, Focus On The Family, or DoorPosts. We highly recommend Growing Kids God's Way Parenting Class and the book For Instructions in Righteousness by DoorPosts.

5)  Get your marriage in order. The primary support for your homeschool is the husband and wife relationship. If there are unresolved issues between you and your spouse, it is more likely that your homeschool will be unstable, distracted and disorganized. Suggested resources to strengthen your marriage and family are available through Family Life and Gary Smalley. Try to go to a Family Life Marriage Conference. Also read the following books by Gary Smalley - "For Better or Best" and "If Only He Knew."

6)   Read books on homeschooling (i.e. Homeschool - The Right Choice by Christopher Klicka).   See Below for Recommended Books.
7)   Talk to experienced homeschooling families, ask lots of questions! Join homeschoolingonline message boards and forums.

8)   Investigate your local homeschooling laws. Great resource is HSLDA - Homeschool Legal DefenseAssociation or your local State Department of Education.
9)  To protect your right to homeschool, join HSLDA. Without any legal plan in place, it can cost you thousands of dollars to defend your legal rights. Bad things can happen to good people! Homeschoolers are not immune to legal troubles.
10)  Join HomeschoolSupport Groups for great ideas and support from other local homeschoolers.
12)  Research and order your curriculum materials. Check out Satellite/Correspondence Schools for full curriculum package and services. For independent curriculum and record-keeping, visit Curriculum Publishers and Suppliers. Request the most current printed catalogs available and read them.
13)  Plan your school year. Set up lesson plans and daily schedule.
14)  Set up your classroom or homeschooling corner with proper furnishing, supplies and record keeping materials.
15)  If applicable, send your Letter of Intent To Homeschool to the local public school. This letter is in accordance to your state's homeschooling laws.

16)  Lastly, praise God for all the many wonderful and memorable homeschooling days that you will spend at home with your children!
    Copyright 2000-2006 by Bing Howard of
    Permission is granted to freely print or distribute by e-mail, unmodified and up to date version of this document. On the WEB, you may re-print this article unmodified provided you keep this resource box intact.  You may remove the hyperlinks to make it all plain text.
    Get your FREE copy of the Home Business 101 Course, a $19.97 Value!
    Homeschooling Secrets Revealed

    Unlock the keys to your childs educational success.

    Don’t Risk It! If You Love Your Kids, Homeschooling Is The Answer To Overcrowded Classrooms And Underperforming Teachers. Pioneering New Book Shows You How Easy It Is To Start Homeschooling.

    The Old Schoolhouse Magazine' Secrets to Successful Homeschooling

    Do you ever wonder if you really have what it takes to homeschool?
    Do you ever wish you knew how other homeschooling families get it all done?

alt= Recommended Books for New Homeschoolers

    Christian Home Educators' Curriculum Manual by Cathy Duffy
    Home Schooling, The Right Choice by Christopher Klicka
    Survivor's Guide to Home Schooling by Luanne Shackelford and Susan White
    The Big Book of Home Learning :... by Mary Pride
    The Christian Home School by Gregg Harris
    Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling by Debra Bell

More Recommended Books for New Homeschoolers...

More Homeschooling Books at


Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Ephesians 6:4
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Luke 2:52
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

black-arrow-01_R Related Resource: Get your FREE copy of the Home Business 101 Course, a $19.97 Value!
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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Happy Children

At this point it seems the evidence is overwhelming—new studies seem to arrive on our desks each week that suggest simply spending time in green spaces can improve our health, both mentally and physically. As avid outdoors people, we instinctively know that, but it’s always nice to have science confirm our suspicions. And recently, researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark published yet another study about the outside/good health connection that may provide the most conclusive evidence yet. Getting outside, walking around, hearing the rustle of trees, feeling the wind on our face, the rain on our backs, the sun on our skin—the more we do that as kids, the happier we are as adults, their study suggests. And this was one heck of a study.
From 1985 until 2013, the researchers combed data from one million Danish residents. They looked at everything from income to educational level, history of familial mental illness, as well as how much green space surrounded where the residents had grown up. Because they had so much data to work with, the researchers were able to try and control for socioeconomic factors—kids who grow up wealthier probably have more access to green space, for example. Yet even factoring those discrepancies in, researchers found that being raised surrounded by nature as a child meant a 55 percent lower incidence of developing mental health issues as adults. Even better, it seemed that the more time children spent in nature, the better as far as mental health outcomes were concerned.
If we were talking about a new medicine that had this kind of effect the buzz would be huge—these results suggest that being able to go for a walk in the park as a kid is just as impactful.
The researchers were able to use satellite data to examine how much green space surrounded the residences of the subjects in the study. It was as simple as noting that kids who grew up in areas surrounded by more visible vegetation meant better mental health outcomes as adults. Wilderness, public parks, even urban green spaces, it didn’t seem to matter. The ramifications could be massive for future city and regional planning.
“There is increasing evidence that the natural environment plays a larger role for mental health than previously thought,” said Kristine Engemann, who led the study. “Green space seemed to have an association that was similar in strength to other known influences on mental health, like history of mental health disorders in the family, or socioeconomic status.”
What the study can’t show, however, is why this should be the case. Is it simple proximity to trees and vegetation? Or is it likely that kids who had access to more natural environments were more likely to be outside, getting excercise, perhaps doing so in groups and forming strong social bonds that they carried with themselves to adulthood? Maybe spending time in nature taught self-reliance, resilience, patience.
Or could it be that something in nature speaks to us in a way that won’t show up on a scientific study? Doctors are prescribing nature walks for patients to help with chronic physical ailments. Mountain biking groups are healing mental illness sufferers. Surfing is a very real salve for veterans with severe PTSD and physical ailments. It probably shouldn’t be so surprising that growing up in a natural environment would also have powerful health benefits.
Perhaps there’s simply a real physiological connection to being more in tune with the natural world. It’s certainly something we feel when camping, when in the middle of the sea, when scaling a mountain peak, or even when lounging next to a lake.
“If we were talking about a new medicine that had this kind of effect the buzz would be huge,” said Kelly Lambert, a neuroscientist at the University of Richmond. “But these results suggest that being able to go for a walk in the park as a kid is just as impactful.”
 JR NOTE:  Look at a Red/Blue Political map and you can clearly see that people in large over populated cities vote (and think) differently from those who live in the country.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Pandemic Scenario

Modern Science has brought about significant medical advances during our life time, with many more being studied.  While our scientific knowledge is at the highest level in history, we also realize, that so is our level of ignorance. The more we learn, the more we realize how much we don't know.  For every question answered, many more are raised. 

Today, Flu Vaccines are becoming mandatory in public schools, for hospital workers and many other places.  Often however, these people still get the flu. So why is it so critical to force everyone to take the vaccine?  They are the ones who will feel bad, so it should be their decision. If the vaccine works, then they won't infect those who do get vaccinated, so what business is it of theirs.

This is usually the time people start preaching about the poor children who get the flu and suffer because of their parents choice and the CDC Estimates that somewhere between 37 to 172 children die each year from the flu.

IF mothers loose their choice on flu vaccines, should pregnant women also loose their choice on abortion

Should it be required for women seeking abortion or on welfare having children to get sterilized so it doesn't happen again?   

How far does it go?

But we haven't gotten to the worst part yet.  What happens when everyone is taking the vaccine and it gets contaminated with something bad like AIDS, intentionally or accidentally?  

Would a radical Islamic suicide bomber contaminate our vaccine intentionally? Of course they would.

What happens when the flu vaccine mutates like in the show I am Legend? where the measles virus was used to create a cure for cancer, but mutated causing deadly & highly contagious side effects.

According to the World Health Organization, AIDS is the worst Pandemic in modern history, with over 70 million deaths.  This is far less than abortion which has claimed over 1.72 Billion.  The problem with AIDS, is that the patient can be infected for 5-10 years before they even realize they have it, while infecting others.

What would the AIDS fatalities soon become if the MANDATORY flu vaccine was contaminated for 5-10 years? NOW we are getting to the bad part when Americans begin to die from AIDS at record numbers.

But the survival rate of AIDS is improving.  So instead of AIDS, suppose the Flu Vaccine is infected with something worse, that kills people after 2-3 years when everyone would have taken it.

Americans have just become extinct to save 37 to 172 children per year. Low probability, yes, but extremely high severity. 

In a country where the citizens are supposed to be free, we should educate the public as to the benefits of vaccines AND to the risk of getting and not getting the vaccineThe risk will be shocking. We must present both sides accurately and let informed people make up their own mind. 

If you have been vaccinated, and it works, why should you care?

Being exposed to common illness and developing our own natural immunity will enable us to over come disease and help our species to survive.  Granted there are things like Polio and Small Pox that may require a vaccination, but these were rare exceptions that everyone was eager to get treated for.

God Bless America, land of the free, home of the brave.  Lets keep it that way.

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Vaccine carries high risk

Doctor notifies patients of 'minimal risk of possible exposure'

Dr. Peter Johnson is an honest, professional neurologist in Cypress.
In a letter to patients, Dr. Johnson describes what he calls “a weakness in infectious control practices,” which could potentially result in a patient contracting Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV.
FOX 26 News reached out to Dr. Johnson several times by phone and went to the clinic where he works to try to get some answers, but there has been no response yet
"She had several series of injections at the base of her skull and the back of her head,” said Tonya Pruett. She explained that her 21-year-old daughter was referred to Dr. Johnson because she had debilitating migraines.

Pruett said the doctor recently called her daughter with some disturbing news.
"She immediately called me in a panic, in tears, and said, 'Mom, I just got a call from the neurologist who did those injections in my neck and he told me I had to go get tested because they might have been contaminated! What do I do?,” shared Pruett.
In a letter sent to Pruett’s daughter, Dr. Johnson stated, “We have discovered a weakness in infection control practices pertaining to the use of multi-dose vials used in….injections (you received). Although we are not aware that you or any of our other patients have been exposed to any infectious agents, there is a minimal risk of possible exposure to certain blood borne pathogens."
Patients receiving these letters are being advised to get tested for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV.
It’s not clear from the letter specifically how contamination might have occurred.
FOX 26 asked an independent physician to review the letter and she said that the contamination could be the result of either a drug manufacturing problem, which is not mentioned in the letter, or the result of double dipping.
The doctor explained to FOX 26 that such a risk could occur if a needle from a patient with a blood-borne illness was put back into the drug vial, potentially contaminating the medication which is then used in the next patient.
In the letter from Dr. Johnson, he also stated, “We have taken extensive measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future."
It is not known how many patients received the letter.

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Monday, January 21, 2019

Best Bug Out Pistol

Kel-Tec PMR-30 .22 Magnum pistol

Regardless of what everyone says a gun should look like, Kel-Tec has always bucked the normal path that other manufacturers have followed with truly unique and innovative product designs. The Kel-Tec PMR-30 translates to Pistol Magnum Rimfire 30-shot and is yet another innovative firearm which fills a niche in the market with a very fun 30-shot .22 WMR semi-auto pistol.

Fit, feel, and features

The gun’s polymer frame fits tightly, and the various materials used in the construction all have a soft buffed finish. Despite the light weight, the PMR-30 is a solidly built gun.
As with any of the Kel-Tec firearms, the PMR-30 is unlike anything else on the market. The ergonomics do not feel odd, but they are different from typical pistol due to the size and shape. Part of that different feeling is the grip angle, with a deeper grip that accommodates the .22 Magnum round. The other quite noticeable trait is the weight, which makes for a fast handling and packable trail gun. At 13.6oz unloaded and 19oz loaded, the PMR-30 feels like a well built pellet pistol.
The Kel-Tec PMR-30 comes with two magazines, the pistol, and a nice hard case.
The pistol itself makes innovative use of materials. The slide and barrel are made from 4140 steel, and the frame is machined from 7075 aluminum. The grip, slide cover, trigger, mag release, and safety levers are glass reinforced Nylon (Zytel), much like the other Kel-Tec Pistols. The two included 30-round magazines are also very durable Zytel, with handy round count ports.
Dual opposing extractors increase the reliability of the rimfire rounds for positive extraction. The Kel-TecPMR-30 features a heel magazine release, instead of a typical thumb release, which was still plenty fast to load and adds to the complete ambidextrous function of the pistol. Recoil is managed by the urethane recoil buffer and captive coaxial recoil springs. Dis-assembly is via a simple single-pin removal which breaks the gun down into slide, barrel, buffer, and recoil springs.
The PMR-30’s trigger is a surprisingly crisp single action with an over-travel stop. My expectation was that the trigger would be the mushy trigger of my Sub-2000, but this was a really good trigger for an inexpensive pistol. The manual safety is a standard thumb activated ambidextrous safety lever (up for SAFE, down for FIRE), which even my stumpy thumbs could reach and operate.
The sights are high visibility fiber optics, with the front green and rear orange of different colors. These sights were fast to pick up and easy to see in all ambient light levels. Surprisingly, with so much zytel used, on the gun the front sight is dovetailed aluminum front sight which provides windage adjustment. Elevation is fixed on the PMR-30. The pistol also has an optional accessory mounts for several popular red dot sights, which provide mounting just in front of the rear sight. However, a plain old picatinny mount up top would have been nice for other optics. If you want to mount a laser or weapon mounted light, then the PMR-30 includes a standard 1913 picatinny rail under the barrel.


The Kel-Tec PMR-30 design goals were to provide a lightweight, full size pistol chambered for the flat-shooting and surprisingly powerful .22 Magnum cartridge (.22WMR). The power of this round in many respects matches that of the .380 round for defense, sport, and hunting, with much lower recoil even in this ultra-light gun.
The PMR-30 operates on a unique hybrid auto-adjusting blowback/locked-breech system, which Kel-Tecindicates allows for the use of a wide variety of ammunition and varying velocities. The system automatically adjusts between locked breech and blowback operation, depending on the pressure of the cartridge.
A friend and I worked the gun over hard with about 400 rounds of various Super X, CCI, and Federal rounds and had no failures to fire, feed or extract. This is a highly reliable gun which I would feel comfortable using for self-defense or survival.
Kel-Tec has succeeded where others have failed by producing a double stack magazine that holds 30 rounds and fits completely in the grip of the pistol. Of note: if you just start stuffing rounds in as I did and load the ammo incorrectly, you will never get 30 rounds into the magazine and you will have feeding and functioning issues due to rim locking together. If, on the other hand, you follow the printed directions, which detail a technique that combines a 5.56 mag reload and .22 rimfire mag reload, you can get the 30 rounds in and not have any functionality issues whatsoever. So, be sure to read the manual on this gun.
Much like is the case with a Glock, the slide lock lever is noted as not being a slide release. The suggested method of manipulation is to release the slide via pulling back on the slide to release. A problem I found with this was that my hands never felt like they had a great grip on the slick zytel slide, but maybe some skateboard tape in between the ribs would help. The lock lever will hold back the slide after the last shot, and it also provides for manual slide lock lever use. The heel magazine release is different from the now standard thumb release, but with 30 rounds in the magazine and +1 in the chamber, the need to reload is doubtful in all but the most extreme situations, and even then mag changes will still be quick.
Thirty rounds, let’s contemplate that. That’s three mag changes on any standard .22 semi-auto and five revolver reloads. This is a load of ammo is a lightweight, standard size gun that just keep s shooting and shooting. My buddy and I kept saying, “geez I have to be empty by now”, but 30 rounds makes for a long period of shooting.

Accuracy and final thoughts

Buyers of the PMR-30 will have to do a little work to figure out which ammo shoots best in their gun. Figure that out and buy a stack of that ammo. My accuracy results were pretty varied. With CCI Maxi-Mags the accuracy of this gun was quite good, but with the Winchester Super X rounds, it was what I would term as combat accurate. For a light weight gun and for a pistol hunting, where most shooting is in the 2-25 yards range, this gun has more than adequate accuracy with the right ammo and could keep golf balls and soda cans dancing consistently at 25 yards off hand. My best group with the CCI rounds were .86”, which is quite good for a reliable and powerful gun that is priced on the street for $300-$350.
Average 5-shot groups at 25 yards off a rest
  • CCI Maxi-Mag JHP 40gr: Accuracy 1.3”
  • Winchester Super X.22WMR FMJ 40gr: Accuracy 3.1”
  • Federal .22WMR JHP 50gr: Accuracy 2.25”
When I first picked up the Kel-Tec PMR-30 my first thought was this would make the ultimate gun for a lightweight bug out and field bag. Two 30-round magazines is a ton of ammo at your disposal, and tucking in an extra box of ammo is certainly not going to add a ton of weight to a grab and go bag. The reality though is that this gun is more than that.
The PMR-30 is a blast to shoot — it produces pleasant little fireballs as the sun starts to hide for the evening, and has very mild recoil, all for an low price. The price of .22 WMR ammo is about the same as inexpensive 9mm ammo these days, but for the hunter, sportsman, or survivalist there is a big weight difference between the rounds and firearm required for each. The .22 WMR is the key to this gun’s flexibility. If it was a standard .22LR it would be underpowered for defensive use or larger game, and if it was a larger caliber the grains of lead would start to add up and drastically increase the weight of ammo in the magazine and extra rounds carried.
This is a great gun for a lot of different duties. The Kel-Tec PMR-30 is the quintessential trail and pack gun that could handle all manner of beast and odd situation, all in a lightweight package that is only 19oz when fully loaded. It is light to pack, ammo is relatively inexpensive, and it’s easy to operate equally with either hand. Having 30 rounds on tap in this size gun is just plain fun, but could really be helpful in a defensive situation. Admittedly, the grip angle took a little to get used to, but with a few rounds down range, I like this gun more and more as I shoot it.


  • Calibers: .22 Magnum (.22WMR)
  • Weight unloaded: 13.6oz. 385.6g
  • Loaded Magazine: 6oz. 170.1g
  • Length: 7.9″ 200.7mm
  • Height: 5.8″ 147.3mm
  • Width: 1.3″ 33.0mm
  • Barrel length: 4.3″ 109.2mm
  • Sight radius: 6.9″ 175.3mm
  • Energy (40gr): 138ft-lbs 187J
  • Capacity: 30 rounds
  • Trigger pull: 4-6 lbs 17.8-26.7N
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