Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Dark Perspective of Urban Survival

Our post here is by a reader with a realistic but dark perspective based on history. 

Laws provide the structural framework that supports the cooperative, constructive functioning of groups. This includes small families, clans, complex societies, and nations. In an organized society we expect others, and ourselves, to behave within certain social and cultural boundaries.

     Over time many Americans have experienced an incremental psychological desensitization and numbing. TV provides an excellent tool for conditioning a populace to tolerate increasingly higher levels of aggression, social disorder, paranoia, brutality, and government control. Sensibilities flounder under a constant flow of media generated illusions. When did the citizens stop being outraged by the gradual erosion of our Constitutional rights, freedoms, and privacy? When did our society move to acceptance of militarized law enforcement and the threat of increasing gun control?

     The 2010 census determined that the U.S. population, before recent mass influxes, was 308 million, with 80% (250 million) living in urban areas. In an event in which America transitions towards disorganized lawless chaos, most Urbanites are likely to die.

     One's geographical location could be a killer. New York City is a cluster of islands with 8.5 million people. These islands are physically connected to each other and the mainland by tunnels, bridges, and ferry services. Phoenix has fewer residents (2 million). This city is an island surrounded by a sea of desert. A fragile web of roadways, rail road tracks, and power lines connect it to resources.
If an urban area becomes isolated, resources will be quickly consumed without replenishment. When the electricity stops flowing, the water stops flowing. Weeds growing in sidewalk cracks and rats in the sewers will not sustain many people for an extended period of time.

     During a catastrophic event the mass exodus of evacuating Urbanites may be countered by Rurals. In an act of collective self-defense, Rurals may cut-off avenues of egress and force urban areas to burn themselves out. (JR Note: see
Bug Out Warning)
     Everyday urban life demands that residents be more tolerant of intrusions and loss of personal space and rights. They tend to be intrusive and intolerant of frustration or delayed gratification. Rural people tend towards more self-sufficient lifestyles. The testing of personal and societal boundaries is not long suffered. Although typically generous towards one another, most would feel justified in their opposition to large influxes of unprepared parasites.

     Initially to thin the herd and stretch diminished supplies, non-productive eaters will initially be evicted then quickly transition to being eliminated to keep their valuables and avoid them being future enemies. Psychological desensitization induced by the stress of the event, will allow us to kill those we perceive as less than human. Extermination of the incapacitated and incarcerated will gradually yield to the ability to kill those we would not have previously considered. The ghosts of the Donner Party will rise, but man cannot live on meat alone.

     We are already cognizant of the similarities between government and organized crime. In urban centers gangs and gangsters are acknowledged as an integral component in the entrepreneurial landscape. Post-event, a power vacuum could develop in anyone of these entities. These groups will be challenged, or joined, by those with a variety of goals. Eventually the leading power players will be the ones with the most resources and manpower to forward their agenda and influence outcomes.

     The devaluation of human worth would evolve voluntarily and involuntarily. When all that is left is one's self, people prioritize to survive. Trading sex for food, shelter, or protection is making the most of an easy, readily available and renewable resource.  Children become a marketable commodity to earn income for their owners or protection of other family members. Children of the prepared may be held hostage to extort supplies from their group. The utilization of human cargo could include involuntary participation in a variety of criminal activities, military operations, or forced labor. Sacrificing one's self, or someone else, is not an unheard of option for putting food on the table (in more ways than one). 

     I was born and raised on the New York islands. I then lived 20 years in remote areas along the Canadian border of Maine. The differences between Rurals and Urbanites are variable and often pronounced. Urbanites tend to be dependent upon the system, expecting the government to fix their problems, whereas Rurals are more self-reliant and work out their own issues. The behavior spectrum will widen and present with more extremes during a prolonged crisis.

     My intent with this writing was to explore how a "prepared" individual might survive in an urban setting following an event that leads to societal collapse. I have come to a less than favorable conclusion. Extended urban survival will be difficult if not impossible without leaving early for a stocked retreat.  Even having a good store of food may only result in being over ran by a gang or having it confiscated by the area government.

     In the post-event environment without rule of law, it will not be "survival of the fittest," but rather "last man standing." Odds are that most people will die, a few people will survive, but no one will have any quality of "life."

     To survive a cosmopolitan catastrophe you have to maintain situational awareness. Keep your ear to the ground to detect rumblings of impending danger, dissent, or disaster. Maintain pre-set limits and draw your "line in the sand." When these parameters are encroached upon or exceeded, make your move. Paralysis at this critical point will stifle assertive, constructive forward momentum. You have to get out and get our EARLY. 
(JR note:  See Red flag warnings its time to Bug Out )

     One way or another, the Rurals will be waiting for you. Make sure you don't come out empty handed, because it may be a very long time (if ever) before you can go back.  Without a stocked retreat, you may have nowhere to go

In summary, your best bet is to bug out to your well stocked, secret retreat early. 


Bees for Prepping

Bees provide honey which is a renewable natural food source with an infinite shelf life, but it also offers other benefits.

Honey bees promote pollination and increase the yield of fruits and vegetables.   After keeping a potted blooming lemon tree indoors for two winters and only getting 2 - 4 lemons, we started pollinating the blooms with a small paint brush.  The third year, there are over 40 lemons on the tree.  So having bees around should improve the productivity of your garden and orchard.

Bee hives are easy to acquire, maintain, and fun, unless you are  allergenic to them. But this is not a bee instructional paper, but rather a sales pitch to convince readers of their value.

The merits of honey for your own use and barter are well known.  Many believe that consuming local honey has certain health benefits.  But few think about the security value that bees can provide as not many people want to get close to bees, even if they are not the "Africanized" Killer Bees or more aggressive Russian variety.

Consider having a bee hive at each avenue of approach to your retreat as an added element of security. Another alternative is to have a large gap between bee hives to funnel traffic in that direction and have trip wires across it to detect intruders.  

You might also park your tractor or mower near the bee hives where someone is less likely to steal them.  If burglars keep breaking into a barn, move your bee hives near it as a deterrent and remove the queen to make them more aggressive.

But above all else, enjoy fresh natural honey.  Just be careful about selling it as new laws are being passed to make it impossible for small farmers to sell their products with out having government inspections and a license. By controlling the food supply, the government can control the people. 

For more information on Bees and supplies, visit:
  • http://www.brushymountainbeefarm.com/
  • http://buildabeehive.com/
  • https://www.kelleybees.com/
  • http://www.honeybeesonline.com/
Low cost Beginner kits can be found at:

  • http://buildabeehive.com/p20-8-Frame-Standard-Bee-Hive-Starter-Kit-Unassembled-Wood.html
  • http://www.brushymountainbeefarm.com/10-Frame-Beginner-Beekeeping-Kit/productinfo/110/

Lowest cost starter hive:

  • http://www.brushymountainbeefarm.com/10-Frame-Comp-Unassembled-Hive/productinfo/101/

Bee suit:
  • http://www.amazon.com/BESTOPE%C2%AE-Professional-Beekeeping-Protecting-Equipment/dp/B00NJOWK3O/ref=sr_1_1?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1442184021&sr=1-1&keywords=bee+suit

My favorite Hive:
  •  http://www.amazon.com/Mann-Lake-HK170-Traditional-Wood-Frames/dp/B00B8L5ZJ6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442182857&sr=8-1&keywords=Bee+Hive

When you get ready to expand it, get this to grow your hive:
  • http://www.amazon.com/Mann-Lake-HK190-Assembled-Wood-Frames/dp/B00B8L600E/ref=pd_bxgy_86_text_y

And then add this for your honey harvesting section:
  • http://www.amazon.com/Mann-Lake-HK210-Assembled-Wood-Frames/dp/B00B8L60IG/ref=pd_bxgy_86_text_z

In the end, it will be nice to have all this stuff in the Premium kit, but not absolutely necessary.

Here is the Premium Kit:
  • http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0083WGJBQ?psc=1 
  • http://buildabeehive.com/p4-Premium-Bee-Hive-Starter-Kit-Fully-Assembled-Wood.html

Enjoy your honey!

For additional information see the following links: