Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hurricane Bug Out Bag

If you only have 5 minutes, be sure to grab these 6 things: 
  1. Warm rain coat and layered clothing
  2. Heavy duty resealable water jug (full); preferably metal that can be used for boiling water in.
  3. Pocket Knife 
  4.  Bic Lighter - light candles or fire.
  5. Concentrated, dried packaged foods, peanut butter
  6. Bottle of bleach to purify water - 2 drops of bleach per liter of water.  Let it sit 30 minutes.
If you have time to pack a Bug Out Bag, here are some suggestions.
  1. Small tent
  2. Survival blanket
  3. Stainless steel bottle of water (2 liters)
  4. Granola bars or MRE's
  5. Fire tinder - cotton balls in petroleum jelly
  6. Fire starter - 2 methods
  7. Large fixed blade knife
  8. Duct tape
  9. High top water proof boots & extra socks.
Beyond this, look at the list of things that expert survivors take to live in the wild for long periods. 

For more information visit our related links below:

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